N-COUNT (学业或事业上)达到(特定程度)成就(或成绩)的人 A high achiever is someone who is successful in their studies or their work, usually as a result of their efforts. A low achiever is someone who achieves less than those around them.
High achievers will receive cash bonuses... 业绩出众的人会获得现金奖励。
In school, he was not one of the achievers. 上学时他不属于拔尖的那类。
...a way to keep low achievers from dropping out. 防止落后生放弃学业的方法
High achievers will receive cash bonuses 业绩出众的人会获得现金奖励。
In school, he was not one of the achievers. 上学时他不属于拔尖的那类。
Low achievers in schools will receive priority. 重点将放在学校里的后进生身上。
Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues 许多事业有成的女性似乎对她们的男同事构成了一种威胁。
High achievers are people of great influence. 高成就人士都有极强的影响力。
After looking at the lives of certain great men, I was able to come up 13 rules that high achievers never break. If you obey these rules, you will become a high achiever too. 经过对那些伟人生活的观察,我总结出了13条高成就人士绝不违背的规律。如果你也遵循了,你也能同样成功。
One skill that many high achievers like President Obama, Bill Gates and Richard Branson have mastered is the gentle art of saying no to things that are not a priority. 像美国总统奥巴马、比尔盖茨和理查德布兰森这些富有成就的人,所掌握的一项技巧就是对优先级不高的事情说不的技巧。
Studies of student behavior and attitudes show that a majority of students violate standards of academic integrity to some degree, and that high achievers are just as likely to do it as others. 对学生行为和态度的研究表明,有大量学生在一定程度上违反了学术道德标准,优等生违规逾矩的可能性和其他学生并没有差别。
Such achievers must maintain that drive. 这些成功人士必定保持了那种进取精神。
Separate from general emotional insecurity, imposter fears affect high achievers and focus on worries about being exposed as a phony. 与普通情感上的不安全感不同,冒名顶替者恐惧影响的是成就较高者,主要与担心自己会被揭为名不副实的忧虑有关。
The teachers were told that the students in first class were high achievers that should do well. 老师们被告知:第一个班里的学生是优等生,会表现很好。
High achievers, rarely refer to "failure," a loaded word suggesting a personal dead end. 高成就者很少用“失败”这个词,这个含义颇多的词表明这个人无法继续发展。
For these notable achievers, it appears that their day dreams came true. 对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的白日梦都变成了现实。
Bob's not what you would call one of life's high achievers. 鲍勃不是你所说的事业有成者。
I was delivering a speech at the Ping An Insurance Achievers Congress in Beijing in2003. 2003年我在北京平安保险销售精英大会上发表演讲。
In school, he was one of the achievers. 他在校时是学业很好的一个学生。
People with high self-esteem are risk takers, but more important, they are achievers. 有着高度自尊的人是冒险者,但更重要的,他们是实际行动者。
Wherever the overseas Chinese have settled, they have been high achievers. 海外华侨不管在什么地方定居都取得了高度的成就。
What distinguished high achievers from poorer backgrounds, apart from spending longer in the classroom, was their attitude. 让贫困生脱颖而出的,除了学习时间更长以外,就是他们的态度。
Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to achievers. 嫉妒是平庸之辈向成就卓越者的赞颂。
If enough high achievers devote enough of their time and fortunes to the voluntary sector then it will have a material impact. 如果足够成功的人士将足够的时间和财富投入志愿领域,就会产生实质性的效果。
I recently sat down with several highly enthusiastic achievers, all of whom have many ambitions. 最近,我和几位热情洋溢的成功人士进行座谈。这些人都有着很多的抱负。
Much work needs to be done to reverse the growing gap between achievers and underachievers. 要颠倒中小学中优等生和差等生间的增长着的差距,有许多工作有待去做。
They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers. 他们收集了一切可能得到的资料,不仅包括统计数据和传记详细资料,还包括他们对成功人士进行的实验室实验结果。
So I asked these top achievers to share with their colleagues their dreams. 于是,我请销售精英们向同事分享梦想。
They are also, and we see this from their relationship between one another, and the way they speak to one another, they are also highly competitive, super achievers. 他们也是,我们可以,从他们的关系看出,从他们的彼此交谈的方式看出,他们也是极富竞争性的超级成功者。
Relax, go to the concert, unlike many high achievers he need your support. 放松一下,去看陈泽的演唱会吧,他需要你的支持。
Many offer scholarships to high achievers and poor students who might be deterred by the new charges. 许多大学提供奖学金给优秀学生和可能因新增费用受损的贫困学生。
Not enough attention is given to the low achievers in the class. 对班上的落后学生没有给予足够的关心。