Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate. 霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。
Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. 打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。
Spelling is my Achilles 'heel. 我最伤脑筋的弱点是拼写出错。
Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes. 阿基里斯和海格立斯[何克力士]是古希腊的英雄。
But soon after, Achilles was wounded in the heel by Paris and died in battle. 但很快,阿基里斯又被帕里斯射中了脚跟,死在战场上。
Paris had not long to live either, for he was killed by a friend of Achilles '. 帕里斯也没活多久,他又被阿基里斯的朋友杀死了。
You'll also strengthen your hip flexors and Achilles tendons. 您还可以增强您的髋屈肌和脚腕筋腱。
The only downside for Liverpool was an injury to Fabio Aurelio, who suffered a suspected ruptured Achilles tendon. 利物浦唯一的遗憾是法比奥·奥雷里奥的受伤,他正遭受着可能是跟腱断裂的疼痛。
Even if I could make peace with achilles, the man won't listen to me. 即使我可以跟阿基里斯讲和,他也不会听我的话。
Its export dependence, as well as being an economic Achilles 'heel, has political consequences. 中国对出口的依赖,不仅是其经济上的关键弱点,还具有政治后果。
According to another tradition, Achilles was the victim of a plot. 根据另一个传说,阿喀琉斯是一场阴谋的受害者。
Clouds are the Achilles 'heel' of modelling. 云层就是模型分析的致命弱点。
To my amazement, my Achilles tendon pain has disappeared since I started the sauna treatments. 让我惊讶的是,我的跟腱疼痛在我开始桑拿疗法后消失了。
Microsurgical Basis and Clinical Study of the Achilles Tendon Defect Repair 跟腱缺损修复的显微外科基础和临床研究
He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles 'heel. 他本来会成为一名很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。
A Clinical and Experimental Study of Mobilization and Immobilization Effects on Ankle Joint Function of Postoperative Achilles Tendon Rupture 跟腱断裂术后制动与非制动对踝关节功能影响的临床与实验研究
It shows that China has already arrived when it can to aero-technology which was its achilles heel. 他说明了中国已经掌握了黄金时期弱项的航空技术。
These are IMs and emails for me, but we all have our Achilles heel. 每个人都有弱点,对我来说是即时通信工具和邮件。
They bruised the Achilles heel of him. 他们击中了他惟一致命的弱点。
The paper suggests that botnets'command and control mechanism may be their Achilles heel. 该文件提出僵尸网络的指挥和控制机制可能是其致命弱点。
His Achilles 'heel was his pride. 他唯一的弱点是骄傲。
Patroclus is killed, and as a result Achilles is filled with fury and remorse. 普特洛克勒斯牺牲了,使阿基里斯充满了愤怒和自责。
Rub K3 and then Lv3: Place your right heel between your left inner anklebone and the Achilles tendon. 摩K表3,然后吕3:请将您的右脚后跟跟腱之间的左内踝骨和。
Our great leaders, Achilles and Ajax, had both died fighting. 我们伟大的领袖,阿基里斯和埃阿斯都在战斗中身亡。
This is hector, the fool who thought he killed achilles. 这就是赫克托耳,以为自己杀死了阿喀琉斯的傻瓜。
I've had my bouts with achilles tendonitis, heel pain, and knee pain. 我曾患有跟腱炎,脚跟疼和关节痛。
Location: Midway between the inside of the anklebone and the Achilles tendon in the back of the ankle. 位置:中途岛之间的踝关节内部的脚踝和跟腱在后面。
We see ankle sprains, we see Achilles Tendonitis, we see stress fractures. 我们要当心脚踝扭伤、跟腱炎和足部应力性骨折。
Peter should have a good chance of winning but his Achilles 'heel is his carelessness. 彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。
So there's a strong connection between a limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia. 所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。