Fear of rapid social change made temporary acquiescence in slavery tolerable in the South. 对飞速的社会变革的恐惧使得南部对奴隶制暂时的默许变得可以忍受。
This is due to his acquiescence. 这是因为他的默许。
For an economic elite whose perquisites ultimately depend on the acquiescence of everybody else, it is a silly and dangerous pose to strike. 对于金融界精英们而言,说到底他们的特权有赖于所有其他人的默许,针锋相对是愚蠢而危险的行为。
Elizabeth was exceedingly pleased with this proposal, and felt persuaded of her sister's ready acquiescence. 伊丽莎白非常赞成这个建议,而且相信姐姐也会赞成。
There is no other alternative, for continuing the Government is acquiescence on one side or the other. 其它的替代办法是没有的;要使政府继续存在下去,必须得有一方的支持。
Defarge looked gloomily at his wife, and gave no other answer than a gruff sound of acquiescence. 德伐日阴沉地望了望他的妻子,只哼了一声表示默认,却没说话。
Thus while some attacks, such as the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006, may have taken place on Kremlin orders or with its acquiescence, these have been the minority. 因此,尽管一些袭击可能得到克里姆林宫的授意或默许,例如2006年女记者安娜波利特科夫斯卡娅(annapolitkovskaya)的遇害,但此类情况是少数。
For large financial institutions who have evaded the sunlight of disclosure ( often with regulatory acquiescence), the transition will be difficult. 对于那些逃避信息披露(往往有着监管默许)的大型金融机构来说,这种过渡将是比较困难的。
But one thing is sure, with the acquiescence of developers and sales personnel with "speculation" would be much more convenient. 但有一点是肯定的是,默许的开发商和销售人员的“投机”将变得更加便捷。
A friend told me that neither cold nor hot dry season most people love, I nodded acquiescence. 一位朋友告诉我,不冷不热干爽的季节最让人喜爱,我点头默许。
Difference from its attitude to the eastward expansion of NATO, Russia is acquiescence to and in favor of the eastern enlargement of the EU. 与反对北约东扩的立场完全不同,俄罗斯默许并赞同欧盟东扩。
Acquiescence in her father's wishes had been degradation to herself. 正是由于对父亲愿望的默许。她辱没了自己。
Waiver or acquiescence presupposes that the person to be bound is fully cognizant of his rights. 放弃或默认的权利应当是以当事人已充分认识他的权利为前提。
Both saw how the dishonesty inherent in such acquiescence ultimately corrupted all aspects of life, personal as well as political. 这两人都注意到,蕴含在这种顺从中所固有的不诚实,最终如何破坏了生活的方方面面,无论是个人生活还是政治生活。
He did it under the acquiescence of his boss. 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的。
Passive acquiescence to the new arrangements. 乖乖地接受了新的安排。
She nodded at his look of acquiescence. 她在他的默许神情点头。
Nekhludoff nodded in acquiescence, and again exchanged a glance with Mary Pavlovna. 聂赫留朵夫肯定地点点头,同谢基尼娜交换了一个眼色。
It is the acceptance of perfection and the acquiescence of complete surrender that will allow you to frequent the realms of transcendent beauty. 它是接受完和默许彻底屈服,将允许你们流连于超然美感领域。
Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect any equitable jurisdiction to refuse relief on the ground of acquiescence or otherwise. 本条例并不影响法院基于默许或其它理由拒绝济助的衡平法司法管辖权。
Her parents will never take acquiescence of such a marriage. 他的父母决不会答应这门婚事。
The so-called "accommodation" is the money for the director acquiescence. 所谓的“通融”就是用金钱换取房产商的默许。
Thus, the mutual acquiescence that underlies the current US-led system in international development finance may prove elusive under Chinese management. 因此,构成当前美国领导的国际开发金融体系基础的相互默许原则,可能在中国的管理下难以实现。
I suggest acquiescence if you enjoy grappling with the urge to hurl yourself in front of a train. 我的建议如果你喜欢将自己投身于一列火车前面的那种冲动话,那么就采用默许法。
These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence. 这些动词都表示通过吓唬使人屈服、顺从或默认。
To allow ourselves simply to acquiescence in skepticism or in complacence, Kant wrote. 康德写道,仅仅停留在怀疑或自满。
Unilateral acquiescence to the aggressive initiatives of another player ( the orthodox unilateral free-trade response) is a sure way to lose. 单方面默许另一方的挑衅性举措(传统单边自由贸易主义者的回应)必输无疑。
May I hope for your acquiescence, and for your not influencing your son against such a tenant? 我是否可望得到您的同意,您是否能允许您的儿子不要拒绝我这个房客?