Instead, the acquirer will have to figure out what to do with Yahoo's core. 相反,收购者必须搞清楚如何把握雅虎的核心。
Remember, acquisitions are about what the acquirer can do with the company in the future, not some multiple of revenues or profits today. 不过请记住,收购是收购方觉得被收购公司未来有利可图才进行的行为,而不是简单地把当前的收入或利润翻几倍得到收购价格。
Buyout firms can assist an acquirer by providing needed financing or advice on how a target could be restructured or carved up after a deal closes. 收购公司可以协助买方,提供所需的融资,或者就收购完成后如何重组或分割收购目标提供建议。
On Friday, the company was also cited as a potential acquirer for business analytics company core logic. 此外,上周五的报道还称它也是商业信息分析服务商CoreLogic公司的潜在收购者。
This negative response is an indication of investors 'skepticism about the likelihood that the acquirer will be able to achieve the synergies required to justify the premium. 这种消极的反应其实是一种警示,暗示了投资者可能怀疑收购方能否实现公司间的协同以创造溢价。
When the acquirer's stock suddenly loses value, what was once an economical deal can suddenly seem unaffordable. 当收购方的股价突然下跌时,曾经非常划算的交易,就会突然变得无法承受。
That is more than the acquirer could earn on deposit at a local Chinese bank, but not much. 这的确比中海油把钱存在一家中国银行所赚取的利息要多,但也多不到哪儿去。
At VICT, we monitor all acquisitions closely for at least two years, and the most important lesson I've learned is that a deal is only good if it is beneficial for both vendor and acquirer. 在VICT,我们严密监控所有收购至少两年,并且已经学会最重要的教训是一笔交易只有对卖主和收购者双方有利才是成功的。
The giant networking company, is a serial acquirer of companies. 巨人网络公司,是一个系列的公司收购。
Perhaps that might change if the next big acquirer is a state-backed Chinese firm, rather than a paternalistic Indian conglomerate. 或许当下一次大的收购是一个中国国有企业而不是一个印度的家族式企业集团时,这样的情况可能将会发生改变。
Except for this acquirer and the professional institutions appointed by it, this acquirer has not entrusted or authorized any other people to provide the information which is not recorded in the reports or to make any interpretation or statement for the reports. 除本收购人和所聘请的专业机构外,没有委托或者授权任何其他人提供未在本报告书中列载的信息和对本报告书做出任何解释或者说明。
The target company defends itself by making its stock less attractive to an acquirer. 被兼并公司通过降低自己的股票对接受方的吸引力来寻求自我保护的一种策略。
Under current law, if an acquirer purchases 30 per cent or more of the outstanding shares of a domestic listed company, it must make a general offer to purchase all outstanding shares. 而根据现行法律,如果收购人收购一家国内上市公司30%或以上的已发行股份,则必须发出收购其所有已发行股份的全面收购要约。
The board of directors shall disclose whether the acquirer shall pay compensation or any other similar arrangement to the directors, supervisors and senior managerial personnel of the listed company to be changed. 董事会应当披露收购人是否存在对拟更换的上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员进行补偿或者其他任何类似安排。
Mr Weill was a serial acquirer with the ambition and the courage to take on bigger rivals but then left Mr Dimon and his team in charge of integrating and running the companies they bought. 威尔是一名不断出击的捕猎者,心怀吞并更大竞争对手的雄心和勇气,但他把整合和运营收购来的公司的工作,留给了戴蒙和他的团队。
In any case, further regulatory changes are necessary before a foreign acquirer will be permitted to use its foreign-listed shares to pay for the shares in a Chinese listed company, since the regulatory mechanisms for this do not exist yet. 无论如何,在外国收购人获准利用其持有的海外上市公司股票收购中国上市公司股份之前,有必要进一步做出监管方面的变革,因为中国目前还不存在这方面的监管机制。
In the financial sector mergers are often problematic, but what makes the situation particularly challenging for Nomura's top management is that even though it was the Japanese group that was the acquirer, it is Nomura's own culture that the management is trying to transform radically. 在金融行业,合并常常会带来麻烦。但野村最高管理层的处境之所以特别具有挑战性,是因为尽管收购方是野村,管理层试图从根本上改变的却正是野村自己的文化。
The UK process gives everyone a chance to put their case to investors: not only does a target company do so but the acquirer must justify its offer to its shareholders. 英国的程序让每个人都有机会向投资者陈述自己的论点:不只是目标公司会这么做,收购者也必须向股东证明其报价的合理性。
In many cases, these are people who have sought out Berkshire as an acquirer for a business that they and their families have long owned. 在很多情况下,是这些人找到伯克希尔收购他们及其家庭所长期拥有的企业的。
The target company defends itself by threatening to take over its acquirer. 被兼并公司通过威胁接管对方来寻求自我保护。
This is much easier to do if you are a trade buyer rather than a financial acquirer. 如果你是一位战略型买家而非财务型买家的话,这可能容易得多。
Depending on how many shares a potential acquirer buys in the market; a formal offer to other shareholders may be required under stock exchange regulations. 根据潜在的收购者在市场上所买进的股票的多少,有时需要根据交易所的规定,向其他持股人发出正式的收购要约。
If successful, it will be its largest financial sector deal involving a foreign acquirer. 如果获得成功,这将是台湾金融业最大一笔涉及外资收购方的交易。
He says a company in receivership may look like a bargain, but the deal is only worth it if the acquirer understands why the business failed and can tackle the cause. 他表示,一家进入破产管理程序的公司可能看上去很廉价,但只有在收购者了解该公司的破产原因并能够解决这些问题的情况下,交易才有价值。
A takeover bid where the acquirer offers to buy any and all shares outstanding. 取得者提出购买任何和所有股票未偿贷款的接收出价。
But when the acquirer is China and the target is a resource company, one would be naive to think it would be a simple transaction. 然而,当买家是中国、而目标是一家资源公司时,如果你以为这将是一宗简单的交易,那就未免太天真了。
It soon became apparent that the acquirer could not manage its new division. 很快,收购者显然无法管理这项新业务。
Second, the acquirer will be able to use shares traded on an offshore stock exchange – for example, its own shares – to pay for the equity of the target company. 其次,收购人将可以使用在境外证交所交易的股票(例如它自己的股票)作为支付手段,收购目标公司股票。
You should clearly understand the financing methods employed by the acquirer. 你应该掌握收购者应用的金融方式。