The jury voted 8-to-4 in favor of acquittal 陪审团以8比4的投票结果赞成无罪判决。
The trial resulted in acquittals on all but one count. 审判结果是除一项罪名之外其他罪名都不成立。
The acquittal was overturned a few hours before Flight 370 took off. 但就在马航370航班起飞前数小时,针对安瓦尔的无罪判决又被推翻。
The high court had nothing to gain by declaring him guilty. the votes for Orestes 'condemnation and for his acquittal are equal; 高等法庭如果宣判他有罪会一无所获。主张宣告无罪与主张有罪判刑的票数相等;
I am glad to hear of his acquittal. 我听到他被释放出来很高兴。
Never confuse an acquittal with innocence. 别把宣判无罪与清白无辜搞混了。
For all that, he seems surprisingly free of bitterness: prosecutors in Malaysia might have appealed his acquittal but for now he seems to be revelling in his status as a free man. 马来西亚检方或许会对安瓦尔无罪开释提出上诉,但眼下他似乎仍在对恢复自由人的状态感到愉悦。
The case resulted in an acquittal. 此案件最终作出无罪判决。
With Thursday's acquittal, it appears that Wilders'once-radical words are now more mainstream in a country that for decades was viewed as one of the most liberal and tolerant in the world. 有了星期四的无罪宣判,怀尔德原来被认为激进的言论,现在变得更主流化了。荷兰几十年来,都被看作全世界最自由和宽容的国家。
The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client's acquittal. 被告方的律师为委托人的无罪开释作了有说服力的辩护。
The Supreme Court said in August that it had found Arnada guilty of violating the predominantly Muslim nation's indecency laws, overruling an earlier acquittal. 最高法院八月说,它已经裁决阿纳达因违反穆斯林为主的国家的法律而有罪,推翻先前的无罪释放。
Your remarks in the court were necessary auxiliaries to my brother's acquittal. 在美国,宣判你无罪并不代表你真的清白,只能说明你赢得了法庭辩论的胜利。
In these cases, we allow the defendant to try to prove a set of facts which if ture warrant acquittal, but if not proven will result in conviction. 在这些案件中,我们允许被告人试图证明一系列事实,若理由正当即宣告无罪,否则将导致有罪判决。
Following his acquittal from the child abuse charges that dogged him throughout his career another case was settled out of court Jackson was a broken figure. 在杰克逊整个演艺生涯中,娈童指控一直困扰着他。在他获判无罪后还有一宗案件是庭外和解的杰克逊已失去元气。
The District Court denied petitioner ′ s motion for a judgment of acquittal. 地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。
They were enraged at the acquittal of a policeman accused of murder. 一名被控犯有谋杀罪的警员被无罪开释,他们对此极为愤怒。
His appealing appearance, as well as his position as a star Quidditch player, seem to have had more to do with his acquittal than the evidence. 因为他讨人喜欢的外表和在魁地奇球队的明星地位,人们更关注他的业绩而不是这些证据。
A verdict of not guilt means acquittal for the accused, who can never again be charged with that specific crime. 无罪裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。
After his acquittal he leave the court smiling 在宣判无罪后,他带着微笑离开法庭
He was released from prison following his acquittal. 在宣布无罪之后他即从狱中被释放。
The trial ended in his acquittal. 审判结果是他被宣告无罪。
How does Roslin describe the depth of her disgust at Gaius Baltar's acquittal? 罗斯林如何形容她对宣判波尔塔无罪这件事有多恶心?
The votes for Orestes 'condemnation and for his acquittal are equal; 主张宣告无罪与主张有罪判刑的票数相等;
The acquittal gave me hope to express my desire. 无罪的宣判给了我实现愿望的信心。旦愿今晚的心愿能实现。
The court said that the transparency of their trades was one reason for their acquittal. 法院表示,他们两人作出的交易的透明性是无罪判决的一个理由。
And his lawyer would have you reward him for that with an acquittal. 他的律师也会让你们判他无罪的。
It is equivalent to an acquittal; and a further trial is not possible on the same charge. 这相当于无罪判决;同一起诉讼中不可能存在另外的判决。
This usually happens after an acquittal or a "light" sentence in the first prosecution. 这通常发生后,被判无罪,或“光”一句中的首次起诉。