He has sown coffee on part of his acreage 他在自家的部分耕地里种上了咖啡。
Enormous acreages of soya beans are grown in the United States. 美国种植着大片的大豆。
About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide 大约70%的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。
Russian companies have many oil development contracts and share access to exploration acreage in the Caspian Sea. 俄罗斯企业拥有许多石油开发合同,还在里海勘探区域共享作业权。
Blurred Algorithm of Container Yard Area in Logistics Park; The farm has a considerable acreage. 物流园区集装箱堆场面积的模糊计算这农场有相当多亩数的面积。
This research provides an operational approach for remote sensing monitoring of winter wheat acreage in China. 研究结果为中国冬小麦种植面积遥感监测提供了一种业务化工作方法。
Special peak and non-special peak were differentiated according to the characters in peak shape, peak acreage and interferential peak from other fluorescence. 利用峰型、峰面积和其它荧光干扰峰等方面的特征对特异峰和非特异峰进行甄别。
Growers can handle a small acreage, preferably diversified, together with a roadside market. 生产者可以经营一个小面积园田,多种经营,并有路边商亭。
These new tractors get over twice the acreage that the old ones used to cover. 这些新拖拉机比旧的能多耕一倍面积的土地。
The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease. 很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。
They require large agricultural acreage, huge volumes of water and chemicals, and traditional farm equipment and labor. 他们需要大量的农业种植面积,大量的水和化学品,和传统的农业设备和劳动力。
Under pik, farmers were paid in government-owned farm commodities for reducing crop acreage. 根据“以货代款”计划,把政府的农用商品交给农民,让他们减少种植面积。
If corn prices rally as we envision, corn may indeed garner the acreage it needs. 如果玉米价格如我们预想的那样上涨,玉米或许真的可以得到所需的种植面积。
The USDA says US acreage has increased by 20 per cent this year. 美国农业部表示,美国今年的种植面积增加了20%。
Acreage controls and input subsidies work at cross purposes, each increases the cost of the other. 耕种面积控制和投入补贴的作用背道而驰,每一方的作用都增加了对方的代价。
We need to protect arable land, especially basic farmland, stabilize the acreage sown to grain, and expand overall grain production capacity. 要切实保护耕地特别是基本农田,稳定粮食播种面积,不断提高粮食综合生产能力。
The farm has a considerable acreage. 这农场有相当多亩数的面积。
Superiority and Practice of Large Acreage Seed Production of Hybrid Maize Varieties in Winter Season of Hainan Province 海南冬季杂交玉米大面积制种的优势与实践
And many types of biofuel require vast amounts of land, leaving less acreage available for food crops. 还有很多其他办法,可都要挤占大面积的粮食用地。
He reduced the acreage of his property by selling off several paddocks. 他卖掉了一些围场以缩小地产的面积。
On the supply side, farmers have responded to higher prices by shifting acreage between crops. 在供应方面,农民已通过调整不同作物的种植面积,对价格上涨做出反应。
Among all of the grain crops in the province, dryland corn on Black soils ranks first in planting acreage, accounting for half of total arable land in the province. 在全省粮食作物中,旱地黑土玉米播种面积位居榜首,占全省总耕地面积一半。
Chinese soya demand, growing at 10 per cent a year, has transformed the agriculture of the Western Hemisphere, which now has more acreage with the crop than with wheat. 中国大豆需求每年增长10%,这彻底改变了西半球的农业格局,导致大豆种植面积现在超过小麦。
Acreage devoted to corn and soyabeans in Brazil and Argentina has risen by less than 60m acres in the past 20 years – about 3m acres a year. 过去20年,巴西和阿根廷用于生产玉米和大豆的农田增加了不到6000万英亩,约每年300万英亩。
As a result, Shenyang will have a rather higher proportion of acreage under protection in China. 至此,沈阳市成为全国受保护地面积占国土面积高比例的城市。
We are fortunate enough to have paths in the acreage behind our home for4 wheelers. 我们很幸运能有道路面积背后我们的家园4两轮车。
Growers had been asked to reduce acreage this year to alleviate the surplus, Mr Chen said. 陈锡文表示,今年农民已被要求减少种植面积,以缓解供应过剩状况。
Despite New Zealand's total vineyard acreage growing to its highest level ever, 2009 saw lower overall yields compared to last year because of the yield management to ensure quality. 尽管新西兰葡萄园的种植总面积达到了历史顶峰,2009年的总体产量相对与去年而言还是有些许回落,主要是为了控制产量以保证葡萄酒的品质。
Graph paper, parallel, and planimeter methods are current tools for acreage calculation. 目前常用的量算面积方法有方格纸法、平行线法、求积仪法。