The council's first meeting ended in acrimony. 委员会的首次会议以激烈的争吵而告结束。
But instead of ending in agreement, the talks broke up in acrimony at the end of the week. 但是到这个周末,谈判非但没有达成协议反而在唇枪舌剑中不欢而散。
The miniskirt of pink appears easily too lovely, with the small vest of mature feeling collocation makes acrimony sex appeal. 粉色的超短裙轻易显得过于可爱,和成熟感觉的小背心搭配制造辛辣的性感。
A major factor behind the push to save jobs is avoiding the acrimony and violence that occurred when South Korean companies attempted layoffs in the 1997-98 crisis. 促使韩国挽救就业的一个重要原因,是了避免像1997年-98年危机中韩国公司试图裁员那样引发激烈反应和暴力事件。
WHEN an infamous summit of world powers in London ended in1933, such was the mood of protectionist acrimony that many argued it would have been better if the meeting had not been held at all. 当1933年世界列强聚集伦敦召开那次声名狼藉的峰会后,贸易保护主义之风开始弥漫。好多人认为那次会议不开也许会更好些。
The chance of a global trade deal being clinched before President George W. Bush leaves the White House shrank dramatically yesterday with talks between core negotiating partners collapsing again in division and acrimony. 全球贸易谈判核心各方之间的会谈昨日再次在分歧和敌意中以失败告终,使得在美国总统布什(georgew.bush)离任前达成全球贸易协议的可能性大大降低。
The completion of the Doha trade round appeared as far away as ever at the weekend, when a gathering of trade ministers at the world economic forum in Davos descended into acrimony. 各国贸易部长周末在达沃斯世界经济论坛上的聚会,演变成一场互相的指责,令完成多哈回合贸易谈判的愿景显得遥不可及。
The campaign has been marked by acrimony on both sides. 参加竞选活动的双方火药味十足。
However, when George Papandreou, prime minister, and Mr Samaras met last week to discuss establishing a national unity government, the talks collapsed in acrimony and Mr Papandreou chose the alternative route of reshuffling his cabinet. 然而,上周希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(georgepapandreou)与萨马拉斯会面、讨论建立一个全国联合政府时,两人不欢而散,帕潘德里欧选择了改组内阁的替代计划。
But do not eat together with acrimony content, the kidney that has pair of people more is harmful. 但不要与辛辣之物同吃,多吃对人的肾脏有害。
Acrimony still run that deep? 伤害还是那么深吗?
But I aswell feel acrimony and despair. 但另一方面我又感到非常愤怒和绝望。
The windfall proposals have exacerbated the growing acrimony between the government and the UK banking industry, which has already been forced to sign on to a series of far-reaching reforms on remuneration that are designed to better link risk with reward. 暴利税的提议,令英国政府与银行业之间的唇枪舌剑愈演愈烈。英国银行业已被迫签署了一系列影响深远的薪酬改革协议,以便更好地将风险与回报联系起来。
Their meetings always ended in acrimony. 他们的会面总是不欢而散。
George Bonham ( not his real name), a former banker who lives in Bournemouth, south England, and is working on starting his own business, says there was no acrimony between him and his ex but the housing market created problems. 曾是银行家的乔治·博纳姆(化名)住在英国南部的伯恩茅斯,正设法自行创业。他表示,他与前妻并未发生争吵,但住房市场造成了问题。
The dispute pushed already slipping deadlines back even further and revealed acrimony not only between Kazakhstan and the companies but also among the foreign partners themselves. 这一争议导致业已推迟的开工日期进一步拖延,并暴露了哈萨克斯坦人和外国公司之间、以及外国合作伙伴之间的敌意。
Abandoning the exclusivity of the relationship would force each partner to build ad hoc coalitions for every initiative in an uncongenial, EU-wide context of economic recession and political acrimony. 在全欧盟经济衰退、政治不和的紧张气氛下,放弃法德之间牢不可破的关系,将迫使双方为每项计划组建临时的联盟。
Matrimony soon turned to acrimony. 过门不久转为和缓。
The only plausible means to alleviate the global acrimony is robust and more balanced economic growth. 唯一可行的手段来缓解全球恶语相向的鲁棒性和更平衡的经济增长。
The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience. 他说话尖刻,这使观众和他疏远了。
The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony. 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们。
The dispute was settled without acrimony. 这场争论未剑拔弩张而获解决。
Worse, they added that acrimony over the Fund's role in assessing the economic policies of its members, their effects on other countries threatened to create just the disorder in the global economy it is intended to prevent. 更糟糕的是,他们补充称,在评估成员国经济政策及其对其它国家的影响方面,围绕IMF角色的争执,可能恰恰会引发这种角色意图防范的全球经济失调。
Trade protectionism and acrimony would certainly follow. 贸易保护主义和敌视心态必然会接踵而至。
They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness. It was no secret that the two detested each other. 不仅没有恶言相向,言语间还十分投机。这两个人互相嫌恶,是人所共知的。
They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness. 不仅没有恶言相向,言语间还十分投机。
But the run-up to the meeting ( the Earth Summit in Rio) has been colored by acrimony over financing the new plan, and sharp differences between developed countries and developing countries. 但是,会议(在里约召开的地球峰会)在筹备阶段就被蒙上阴影,在为新计划提供资金的问题上言辞激烈,发达国家和发展中国家尖锐对立。
Yet prison work is riven with acrimony. 但人们对使用囚工充满了尖刻的批评。
St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage. 圣保罗欢闹了基督教。他传讲了圣恶毒,就是婚姻的另一个名字。