The elephants, the clowns, the acrobats& they make me feel like a kid again. 但是,每次去看马戏总是使我感到非常高兴和激动,那些大象、小丑和杂技、使我感到我好像又成了一个小孩子似的。
Who are the best acrobats in your house? 你家中最好的特技师是谁?
The acrobats of Albania and Egypt learnt at China National Acrobatic Troupe at the beginning. 我们中国杂技团最早教过阿尔巴尼亚,埃及来的学员。
There was a safety net below the acrobats at the circus. 马戏演出时,杂技演员下面装有安全网。
We watched the daring feats of the acrobats with bated breath. 我们屏住呼吸观看杂技演员的惊险的表演。
The acrobats performed a dizzying display. 这些杂技演员的表演令人头晕目眩。
Performance given by a traveling company of acrobats clowns and trained animals. 由一个流动的队伍进行的表演包括杂技演员小丑和训练的动物。
The circus acrobats performed feats of dexterity and strength. 马戏团的杂技艺人表演了显示灵巧和力度的高超技艺。
Fireworks shot off across the Chinese capital as thousands of drummers, acrobats, martial artists and dancers performed under a light display at the National Stadium. 烟火从远处点燃穿越中国的首都,而成千上万的鼓手,杂技演员,威武的艺术家和舞者在灯光的照耀下在国家体育馆进行了表演。
Sometimes circuses with acrobats and animal acts would stage shows in the Amphitheater. 有时候表扬走钢丝和动物秀的马戏团也会在圆形剧场演出。
In fact, these aerial acrobats are harmless, neither nuisance nor danger& unless you're a mosquito. 实际上,这些特技飞行员完全无害,既不扰民也没危险。当然,如果你是蚊子的话就另当别论了。
Must be the Commedia dell'Arte-actors and acrobats performing together in the streets. 一定是意大利喜剧??是一些一起在街边表演的艺人和杂技演员。
Ballad-singers come and chant here. acrobats, musicians, and other street performers. 街头艺人也到这儿来卖唱。杂技演员、音乐家以及其他街头艺人。
The acrobats 'performance drew forth applause from the audience. 杂技演员的表演博得了观众的掌声。
Acrobats, clowns, drummers and jugglers entertained thousands of people watching on the side of the street. 杂技演员、小丑、鼓手和玩杂耍的演员娱乐了在路边观看的人们。
The audience stared the acrobats in great wonder. 观众以惊异的眼光注视着杂技演员。
Tightly stretched rope or wire on which acrobats perform high above the ground. 一种拉紧在地面之上的杂技演员在上面走的线。
The acrobats dived into nets. 杂技演员往下跳入网中。
He always takes in taiwan's acrobats whenever they come to town. 每次台湾的特技表演到镇上时,他总是去看。
A swing used by circus acrobats. 杂戏团的演员用的秋千。
Some children were playing on the swings. a swing used by circus acrobats. 一些孩子在荡秋千。杂戏团的演员用的秋千。
A troupe of acrobats entertained them. 一群杂技演员为他们作了表演。
Chinese acrobats bent over backwards with giant porcelain vases balanced on their foreheads? Been there. 中国的杂技演员顶着瓷碗向后弯腰及地。
Clowns, acrobats, horses and lions. 小丑,杂技,马和狮子。
Only expert acrobats can master these activities. 只有熟练的特技演员才能掌握这些动作。
Clowns, acrobats, horses and lions. You'll have lots of fun when the circus comes to town in this song. 小丑、特技人、马和狮子,当马戏团进到城里去你会觉得乐趣无穷。
The acrobats got warmed up before the circus show. 特技表演家在马戏团开始前做些练习。
One of the acrobats who walked the tightrope at the circus did it blindfolded. 马戏团里走钢丝的杂技演员中有一位蒙着眼睛走钢丝。
I was always fascinated by the acrobats at the circus. 我总是着迷于马戏团里的杂技演员。