The top contenders that lost out are the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, the Stonehenge in Britain, Angkor Vat in Cambodia, the statues on Easter Island and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 希腊的雅典卫城、英国的巨石阵、柬埔寨的吴哥窟、复活节岛巨人像和巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔等几大热门侯选古迹未能入选。
The Acropolis is a large hill that was the center of life in Athens. 卫城坐落在山上,而这座山曾经是雅典的生活中心。
There he is embracing his wife and serving wine on the terrace with a view of the Acropolis. 还有几张照片拍的是他在阳台上搂着妻子,以及和妻子一起品尝美酒,他的阳台可以俯瞰雅典卫城。
Its position on top of sheer cliffs has led to its pseudonym: The Acropolis of the Dordogne. 这座小镇位于陡峭的悬崖上,正是这样的地理位置使它有了一个别名:多尔多涅卫城。
The New Acropolis Museum is a major event not only for Greece. 新卫城博物馆不仅是希腊的一件大事。
These carvings were taken from the Acropolis in Athens more than 200 years ago by the Earl of Elgin. 这些雕塑是埃尔金伯爵(earlofelgin)200多年前从雅典卫城运来的。
The first thing to know about Acropolis is that it is not a new GUI toolkit. 关于Acropolis,我们需要了解的第一件事情就是它并不是一个新的GUI工具集。
The Acropolis shows a maturity of Greek mathematics and also an appreciation of geometrical ideas. 雅典卫城显示了希腊人对数学的精通以及对几何学的推崇。
The British helped themselves to the Elgin Marbles, taken from the Acropolis. 英国人则从雅典卫城拿走了埃尔金大理石雕。
Early in the morning on July4th, the Acropolis team posted the latest release of the CTP on MSDN. 7月4号的一大早,Acropolis团队就在MSDN公布了最新的CTP版本。
Actually, one of the biggest feature in Acropolis CTP2 is support a classic line of business example. 实际上,AcropolisCTP2一个最大的特性就是支持经典的在线事务处理的例子。
It is hope that the Acropolis will be back to its former glory. 人们希望雅典卫城将会恢复其昔日的荣耀。
Candidates for the new list have been narrowed down to21, including the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the Acropolis and the Great Wall of China. 最新的候选名单已缩小至21个,其中包括泰姬陵、巨石阵、雅典卫城以及中国的长城。
The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and acropolis monuments. 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。
Well, bring your sunscreen, and go to the Acropolis! 哦,要带上你的防晒霜,还有,一定要去雅典卫城!
Many tourists visit the Acropolis in Athens. 有很多游客参观雅典的卫城。
Rendering of the inside of the Acropolis and it's statue of Athena. 表现雅典卫城内部和它的雅典娜雕像。
Three cranes lifted the more than two ton fragment and carried it slowly to the new Acropolis Museum. 三台吊车把超过两吨重的壁雕吊了起来,然后缓缓地运往新建的雅典卫城博物馆。
The Acropolis framework is going to be heavily tooled with wizards and deep integration into Visual Studio. Acropolis框架将会大量使用向导,并深入集成到VisualStudio中。
The Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis had also been contenders. 埃菲尔铁塔和雅典卫城也参与了此次竞选。
What she most want to do is to wander about on the broad top of the acropolis. 她最想做的是在卫城宽广的顶上漫步。
The Acropolis dominates the city of athens. 雅典的卫城高耸於雅典全城之上。
The Acropolis is one of the wonders of the ancient world. 雅典卫城是古代世界的奇迹之一。
I must await dawn in this ancient acropolis. 我必须在古老的卫城等待黎明。
Clinton and Lambrinidis signed the document in a ceremony featuring two iconic Greek structures the Acropolis and the Parthenon as a backdrop. 克林顿和兰姆布里尼迪斯在一个以具有希腊传统风格的建筑雅典卫城和帕台农神庙为背景的仪式上签署了这项协议。
The New Acropolis Museum in Athens is a fact. 新卫城博物馆在雅典是一个事实。
The old Acropolis will bless for my creditable marriage. 雅典卫城将为我美满的婚姻祝福;