Lists of actionable items that have to be performed. 必须执行的项目表。
This warning is considered reviewable, but not necessarily actionable. 应该检查警告,但是不一定要采取措施。
Is the information actionable or raw data? 信息是可操作数据还是原始数据?
Use tags for all actionable items. 对于所有可操作的项目使用标记。
This information may not be fully actionable and may require more research if the scanner ends at this step. 如果扫描器在这个步骤就结束,它提供的信息也许不太具有操作性并需要更多研究。
In this scenario, the Actionable Event filter is the same as that in the1 simple rule scenario. 在该场景中,ActionableEvent过滤器与1个简单规则场景中的过滤器一样。
It provides access to actionable menu items like Show Profile, Send E-mail, and so on. 它提供了对像ShowProfile,SendE-mail等等之类菜单项的访问功能。
Processes and policies are the actionable heart of any governance model. 流程和策略是任何治理模型的可操作核心。
But during the merge operation, only insert, update, and delete triggers are actionable. 但是在合并操作期间,仅可操作插入、更新、及删除触发器。
By strong, I mean they must be able to extract actionable information from both structured data, such as databases and Web pages, and unstructured data, such as text, audio, and video. 我所谓的强大是指,那些解决方案必须能够从结构化数据(例如数据库和网页)和非结构化数据(例如文本、音频和视频)中提取可操作的信息。
They want quick, actionable facts and data, delivered efficiently. 他们要的是快速、可行的事实和数据,而且要以高效的方式传递给他们;
Rather, it is an actionable behavior personified through personal choice& a choice that enables rather than disables. 相反,这是一种通过个人选择表现出来的可操作行为&这种选择能够使一个人具备领导能力,而不会削弱这种能力。
Without such things, the request is not considered as actionable. 没有这些东西,这个要求就不是可执行的要求。
Software: Creating best-in-class user experiences to make insights actionable. 软件企业:创造一流的用户体验,使数据中获得的洞见可以执行。
Therefore, the penalty authority procedure should be actionable and be reconstructed under the principle of due process. 因此,需要对死刑复核程序进行诉讼化和程序正当性构建。
This worm was consequently much more than a weapon; it was a mechanism designed to generate actionable intelligence. 因此,这个蠕虫决非一种武器那么简单;它更是一种机制,目的是生成可供我们展开行动的情报。
An actionable statement. the study of the sources and development of words. 可以引起诉讼的供词字词起源与发展的研究。
Be careful what you say your remarks may be actionable. 你说话要小心&你的话是可用来控告你的。
Thus, this chart gives actionable meaning to production monitoring. 所以,以下图展示了产品监控可控的方法。
One of the other common blockers to reproducing a bug is the collection of actionable data on the bug. 要重现一个错误的另一个常见的障碍是该错误上的可操作数据的集合。
Provide insight and vision to the team based on researching user needs. Convert research findings into actionable results. 根据研究用户需要为团队提供产品洞察力与创造力,转化研究成果为可实施计划。
She denies that her company has been involved in any actionable activity. 她否认她的公司卷入任何可被起诉的活动。
Tier One support is defined as the first actionable customer touch point for a service or functionality related defect. 第一支持层对一项服务或者与服务相关的不足之处被定义为第一运转机能的用户触摸点。
There are three circumstances violating actionable subsidy system: injury to the domestic industry of another Member; 有三种补贴情形违反可申诉补贴制度:损害另一成员国内产业;
This article provides an actionable approach to develop a zero-injury safety culture adopted Six Sigma methodology. 本文提出了采用六西格玛产品质量管理方法,建立零伤害的企业安全文化。
BIRT Charting package-Supports building sophisticated actionable charts. BIRT制图包&支持构建复杂的图表。
The test needs to be oriented to address the end-user goals in using the service and deliver actionable knowledge. 测试需要考虑最终用户使用服务的目的和提供可供行动参考的知识。
Chapter Four put forward some suggestions to improve China's actionable subsidies system. 笔者在第四章提出了完善我国可诉性补贴体系的若干建议。
All of this requires much more than an ad-hoc approach to reach useful and actionable knowledge. 所有这些要求的知识比一个特别的方法达到有用和可操作的过程要多的多。
The Secretariat had indeed indicated how it could be actionable. 秘书处确实说明了它是怎么能采取行动的。