Quality of speech signal 3.single addressor or multi-addressor. 语音信号的质量;3.单个说话人还是多说话人;
The degree of its formality is in direct proportion to the formality of requirement, the formality and urgency of context, and the social distance between the addressor and the addressee. 醒示语的正式程度往往与使役要求的正式与严肃程度、场合的正式与紧迫程度、发受话双方之间的权势和距离差成正比。
The use of alerters is affected by its content, context and relationships between the addressor and the addressee. 醒示语的选用受使役的内容、使役的场合及交际双方之间的关系等因素的影响。
With the direction of this strategy, the addressor will have to make choice among various linguistic forms: punning, hedge, fuzzy category identifier, commendatory evaluative adjective, euphemism, conversational implicature, indirect speech act and so on. 在语用模糊策略的指引下,说话人还要选择具体的语言形式:一语双关,模糊限制语,模糊类型标记,评价性形容词,委婉语,会话含义,间接言语行为等。
And the specific address manner is relevant to the following factors such as culture, society, education, religious belief, age, gender, and the specific occasion for the addressor. 而具体的称呼方式又与文化、社会、教育、信仰、年龄、性别以及说话人所处情境等诸多因素相关。
The subject of zou construction is the first pronoun or the second pronoun and when the second pronoun acts as the subject, the sentence must has the implied meaning that the subject is to do something with the addressor. 走字句的主语是第一、二人称代词,其中第二人称代词作主语时,一定隐含着跟第一人称一起去做某事的意思。
The addressor educes its own value judgment through referring to anchoring value. 言语主体以锚定值为基础进行上下调整得出自己的价值判断结果,这就是锚定效应。
Pragmatic vagueness is a process of relevance-adaptation in both production and interpretation, which means that the addressor adapts his linguistic choice to the contextual correlates and chooses pragmatic vagueness consistent with the principle of relevance. 研究表明,语用含糊的生成和理解都是关联&顺应的过程。
The transitivity process reflects the self-construal, subjectivity of the addressor. 及物性过程则可以反映演讲者的自我构筑,主观性程度等。
The interpersonal meta-function refers to the interactive relationship between the addressor and the addressee in an utterance situation, and the attitude the speaker or writer to his words or works. 它是指在话语情景中说话人和话语接受者之间的互动关系,以及说话人对其所说或所写内容的态度。
And the addressee adapts the context to the linguistic choice of the addressor and infers the interpretation consistent with the principle of relevance. 言者顺应各种语境因素选择符合关联原则的语用含糊,而听者要顺应言者的语言选择,推导出符合关联原则的解读。
And the seeking of relevance is a dynamic process in which both the addressor and addressee have to make efforts to achieve a successful communication. 而且最佳关联是一个说话者和听话者都要为了实现成功交际而付出努力的动态过程。
This type of language phenomenon thus formed and communicative strategy adopted in this case by the addressor is entitled pragmatic vagueness. Generally, diplomatic language is a formal, persuasive, conservative and cautious language. 由此形成的语言现象以及在这种情况下使用的交际策略被称为语用含糊。总的说来,外交语言是一种正式的语言,具有说服性、保留性以及谨慎性。