The generous amount of garlic adds flavour 蒜多了能提味。
4,000 women put in ten rupees each, which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees. 4,000名妇女每人放入10个卢比,如果我算得对的话,总数将达到4万卢比。
This adds a new dimension to our work. 这给我们的工作增添了新的内容。
'If I were you,' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, 'I'd watch out for that girl of yours.' “如果我是你,”她主动建议说,“我会密切注意自己的女儿。”
Having a mid-morning party certainly adds novelty value. 在上午10点左右开派对一定会增加新鲜感。
Local colour lends [ adds] peculiar interest to the novel. 地方色彩给这部小说增加了兴味。
A knowledge of anatomy adds to the appreciation of works of art. 解剖学知识有助于提高对艺术作品的鉴赏力。
This lesson adds to the value of the book. 这课文增加了这本书的价值。
His new discovery adds fame to science at yale. 他的新发现给耶鲁大学的科学研究增光添彩。
All this adds up to that you don't want to do it. 这一切无非是说你们不愿意干罢了。
It all adds up, I can see now why he left so suddenly. 这完全合乎情理,我现在能够明白为什么他如此突然地不辞而别。
That's what it all adds up to. 如斯而已。
This adds to her beauty. 这使她更美。
Your long answer just adds up to refusal. 你的冗长的回答等于拒绝。
The UML Modeler component now adds support for lost messages and found messages. UMLModeler组件现在添加了对丢失消息和找到消息的支持功能。
JAX-WS also adds a dynamic server model, which JAX-RPC does not have. JAX-WS还添加了动态服务器模型,而JAX-RPC则没有此模型。
The above code adds the CSS and JavaScript files for the Sencha Touch framework. 上述代码为SenchaTouch框架添加了CSS和JavaScript文件。
This creates redundant expressions and adds complexity to system maintenance. 这就造成了表达式冗余,增加了系统维护的难度。
This adds username to the system and to the Samba password file. 这会将username添加到系统和Sambapassword文件中。
This adds complexity, which means it also adds cost. 这增加了复杂性,从而意味着也增加了成本。
Wilby adds the Marketing, Sales, and Research and Development departments. Wilby添加了市场营销、销售和研发部门。
In this case, the transformation just adds a notification that a method is being called. 在这个例子中,转换只是增加了一个方法正在被调用的通知。
It is hardened and tamper-proof, and adds additional security and integrity to sensitive processing. 它加强了安全和篡改防护,并对敏感处理添加了附加安全性和完整性。
This code adds a linked name and value pair to the object. 该代码向对象添加了一个连接的名字和值。
The design model is based on the analysis model and adds details to the actual implementation of the system. 设计模型是基于分析模型的,它向系统的实际实现中添加了详细信息。
This adds many advantages such as reusability and simplicity. 这增加了许多好处,比如可重用性和简单。
Table 2 adds a few concepts to this mapping between MDSD and SOA. 表2向MDSD和SOA之间的映射中添加了一些概念。
JAX-WS, via JAXB, adds support for MTOM, the new attachment specification. JAX-WS通过JAXB添加了对新附件规范MTOM的支持。
Each solution adds its own layer of query and reporting complexity and introduces associated reconciliation and usability challenges. 各解决方案都添加了自己的查询和报表复杂性,并引入了相关的协调和可用性挑战。
RDF-Schema adds to RDF's ability to encode concepts in a machine-readable way. RDF-Schema补充了RDF的能力,提供了以机器可读的方式编码概念的功能。