Also rugby and handball have their adherents. 橄榄球和手球同样也有他们的拥护者。
Most Muslims ( 14.9%) are Malay but there are adherents among all races. 大多数穆斯林(14.9%)是马来人,但是各类种族中都有信奉者。
This cause had deadly adherents before the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre in2001. 此想法在2001年撞击五角大楼和世贸中心前有亡命之徒般的追随者。
Terrorism is PR. To scare people and win adherents, jihadis produce TV content. 恐怖主义本身就是公关。为了恐吓民众并赢得追随者,圣战分子制作了电视内容。
Eventually, if sufficient anomalies emerge, a rival paradigm attracts enough adherents to replace the previous one. 最后,如果出现了足够多的异常现象,与之前范式相竞争的范式就会吸引足够多的支持者,从而取代前者。
Like other weather icons, Cain's have fierce adherents. 和其他天气符号一样,凯恩的符号也有不少拥趸。
Its adherents dominate corporate board rooms, and its allure motivates countless entrepreneurs. 其拥护者控制着公司的董事会议,其魅力激发着无数的企业家。
In particular, atheism cannot offer the incentives to conduct and the consolations for misfortune which theistic religions supply to their adherents. 具体说来,无神论者无法像有神论宗教为其信徒所做的那样,为人们的统一行为提供激励,给不幸者带来安慰。
Terrorism recruits adherents on the basis of an appeal to human emotion. 恐怖主义基于对人类情绪的诉愿招募追随者。
The proposal is gaining more and more adherents. 建议正得到越来越多的支持者。
The irony of this exercise is that small countries have long been the strongest supporters and adherents of multilateral co-operation, while big countries have often disregarded international law or even heralded unilateralism. 这种做法的讽刺意味在于:长期以来,这些小国向来是多边合作最有力的支持者和拥护者,而大国常常无视国际法,甚至会推行单边主义。
A doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy. 一种哲学信徒接受的学说。
This core, the Citadel, remains impregnable while its adherents fashion an increasingly baroque fantasy. 虽然该理论的拥护者打造出一种越来越具巴洛克风格的空想,但这个核心或曰堡垒(theCitadel)却牢不可破。
Some of these orientations have passed into history by now; others continue to attract adherents. 有的流派已成为历史,而有的对今天的研究仍有影响。
He won numerous adherents to his cause. 他的事业赢得了许多人的支持。
Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them. 他们的信徒如此狂热地信仰会使他们愿意通过战争来支持他们的观点。
In essence, it offers an answer: it tells the adherents what to think, how to feel and what to do. 从本质上说,它给人们提供了一个答案:它告诉信徒去思考什么、怎样感受以及该做什么。
In this phase, Dreiser created many characters who were loyal adherents to consumer culture. 在此阶段,德莱塞塑造了许多消费文化忠实拥护者的形象。
Its adherents focus on delivering not what the market wants but what specific customers want. 此价值准则拥护者着重供应的不是市场所需的而是特定顾客群体所需的。
At year's end, scores of religious adherents remained in prison because of their religious activities. 在年终,许多宗教信徒因参加宗教活动仍被囚禁。
On the Ming Dynasty Adherents 'Acceptance of the Qing Regime 论明遗民对清政权的接受和认可&以陈恭尹交游的转变过程为例
In modern times the majority is no longer openly religious but majority percentages of the Dutch are adherents of humanism, agnosticism or atheism. 在现代,大多数不再是公然的修道公员,而是是人文主义,不可知论或者无神论的拥护者。
The church has100 parishes to date, and while most of the adherents are Nigerian there were some Irish present last night too. 该教堂迄今为止有100个教区,虽然大部分信徒是尼日利亚人,也有一些爱尔兰人参加了昨晚的活动。
This is a relatively new hypothesis, which has gained more and more adherents. 这是一个较新的假设,支持者越来越多。
Adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices. 宗教信仰和习惯的唯我独尊体系的追随者。
A management organization composed of adherents to the relevant religion; 有信教公民组成的管理组织;
For example, adherents of some religions forbid or strongly discourage photographing individuals. 例如,某些宗教的信徒禁止或强烈反对拍摄人像。
The belief in a hollow Earth had some adherents in Nazi Germany. 信仰空心地球有一些纳粹德国的信徒。
But, questioned india's adherents, if Scarlett is n't guilty, where is captain butler? 但是,那些支持英迪亚的人便问,如果思嘉没有罪,巴特勒船长到哪里去了呢?