This sticky compound adheres well on this surface. 这种黏性的化合物能牢牢地粘在这个表面上。
The face powder adheres well to the skin. 这种扑面粉附着力强。
What real-world, market economy adheres to the principles defined by our leading economists? 现实世界中有什么市场经济是遵循这些经济领军人物所定义的原则的呢?
Plus, that adheres to the convention that the main package is named the same as the project. 这样也遵循了“主”包名和项目名相同这个惯例。
Design principles: Validates that your code adheres to the design principles of object-oriented programming. 设计原则:验证你的代码是否坚持面向对象编程的设计原则。
The operation definition adheres to a specific role and implementation script file that is located in the role folder. 操作定义依附于角色文件夹中的特定角色和实现脚本文件。
Ensure that food served in schools adheres to minimum nutrition standards; 确保学校供应的食物符合最低营养标准;
Ensuring that production adheres to the customer's requirements; 保证生产是按照客户的要求进行;
One new grade adheres to thermoplastic elastomer ( TPE) systems and to existing EPDM rubber profiles. 其中的一个新牌号可粘合到热塑性弹性体(TPE)系统以及现有的EPDM橡胶异型构件上。
A person who adheres to Hinduism. 追随和拥护印度教的人。
Derun adheres to the goal of "quality is the priority and reputation is the first". 德润轴承公司奉行:“品质至上、信誉第一”的经营理念。
The braze coating adheres instantly to the surface of the tube so no dry time is required. 采用该系统可将焊剂涂覆到铜钎焊管的外面。焊剂可迅速粘附到管的表面,因此不需要干燥时间。
Using an architecture evaluation method that adheres to all the principles can almost guarantee successful results. 使用坚持所有原则的架构评估方法基本上可以保证成功。
The Real Right Law not only follows the legal justice, but also adheres to the moral justice. 我国《物权法》的法律规定中既蕴涵了法律正义,又蕴涵了道德正义。
But Ariana's vice president of operations insists the company adheres to the highest safety standards. 但是阿里亚那公司负责经营的副总裁强调说,公司坚持最高的安全标准。
Huatai adheres to seeking zero-defect quality unremittingly. 华泰公司坚持不懈的追求品质零缺陷。
China consistently adheres to a series of principles on conventional weapons transfers. 中国对常规武器转让一贯坚持以下原则。
It adheres to implement ISO9001 quality system and braves to expand and innovate. 坚持贯彻ISO9001质量体系认证和勇士,以扩大和创新。
The site adheres to its own consistency and standards. 网站保持其一致性和标准。
Someone who adheres to the doctrine that ordinary moral distinctions are invalid. 一个坚持普通道德差别是无效的这一信条的人。
The socialism China adheres to is brimming with vigor and vitality. 中国坚持的是充满生机和活力的社会主义。
Every registry implementation that adheres to these specifications will establish their own mechanism for token generation and authentication. 每个依照规范实现的注册中心操作入口站点将建立它们自己的令牌生成和认证机制。
China adheres to an independent and peaceful diplomatic policy and seeks friendly neighbor relations. 中国奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,寻求睦邻友好。
Our company always adheres to the principle of equality, mutual benefit and exchange for needed goods. 本公司。一贯遵循“平等互利、互通有无”和“重合同、守信誉”的原则。
China adheres to the United Nations theme of equality, development and peace when taking part in international bilateral and multilateral women's activities. 中国在广泛参加国际妇女双边和多边活动中,始终坚持联合国提出的平等、发展与和平的主题。
Mud adheres to your shoes. 泥巴粘在了你的鞋子上。
The former can be equated with a nationalistic mentality that adheres to blind and narrow nationalistic concepts and practices. 前者可被等同于某种民族主义思想,固守盲目和狭隘的民族主义理念和行为。
Scale adheres to a biological layer, often called slime. 刻度黏附在生物学的层,时常叫做了烂泥。
So far so good, art still adheres to its legacy of imaginative creativity. 到此为止,一切尚好,艺术仍然固守着它想象性的创造力的衣钵。
The followers of Mahatma Gandhi a person who adheres to Hinduism. 圣雄甘地的拥护者.追随和拥护印度教的人。