A special subcommittee adjudicates on planning applications. 有一个特别小组委员会裁决规划申请项目。
Loneliness is the mind self-supervision, if open on the mountain top on the snow lotus, beautiful, static adjudicates! 寂寞是心灵的慎独,若开放在高山之巅上的雪莲花,美丽、静肃!
His father always adjudicates in quarrels in the small mountain village. 在这座小山村里,发生争吵时,往往由他的父亲出面调解。
Be based on afore-mentioned reason, the court adjudicates the suit that rejected accuser requests. 基于上述理由,法院判决驳回了原告的诉讼请求。
It also runs a dispute settlement system which adjudicates whether countries are breaking existing rules. 它还有一个争端解决机制,以裁定各国是否违背了现有规定。
Civil Adjudication in excess of authority involves that a judge oversteps his or her authority in civil adjudication and adjudicates what should have been adjudicated by administration. 民事审判越权,是指法官在民事审判中,审理了本应在行政审判中审理的内容。
The Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board adjudicates claims under the Employment Ordinance and in accordance with individual employment contracts. 小额薪酬索偿仲裁处仲裁根据《雇佣条例》及个别雇佣合约而提出的申索。
In its judicial interpretations, Supreme People's Court of the PRC adjudicates the doer who instigates the driver causing traffic trouble to escape and thus leads to the death of the victim as the accomplice in crimes of causing traffic casualties. 最高人民法院在司法解释中,将指使交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的行为人,以交通肇事罪的共犯论处,这一规定存在不足。
When the court adjudicates the case of the malpractice infringement, it should accept the principle of "care about high not about low" when to determine the criterion of the compensation, and the criterion regulated in the Regulations can just be referenced; 人民法院在审理医疗事故侵权案件时,对于确定赔偿标准应采取就高不就低的原则,《条例》规定的赔偿标准仅具有参照意义;
Administrative adjudication means that an administrative agency, serving as intermediary and under the authority of laws and in accordance with prescribed procedures, adjudicates civil disputes concerning administrative matters that arise between disputants with equal social status. 行政裁决系指行政主体依照法律法规授权,以中间人的身份,按照一定的程序,对与行政管理相关的,发生在平等主体之间的民事纠纷进行裁决的行为。
Then the article adjudicates the qualifications of civil subject of unincorporated association with the above two criteria and comes to the conclusion that unincorporated association possesses qualifications of civil subject. 其次以民事主体资格形式标准和实质标准对非法人团体的民事主体资格加以评判,得出非法人团体可以享有民事主体资格的结论。
Judgment divorce system mean couple because of the legal reason, put forward divorce proceedings to people's court, the people's court adjudicates the system that permit divorcing or not according to relevant laws and regulations. 判决离婚制度是指夫妻双方基于法定理由,向人民法院提出离婚诉讼,人民法院依照有关法律、法规,予以判决准予或不准予离婚的制度。