Others are people or organizations who are not the Employer, the Project Manager, the Supervisor, the Adjudicator, the Contractor, or any employee, Subcontractor or supplier of the Contractor. 其他方为雇主、项目经理、监理工程师、裁决人、承包商以及承包商的雇员、分包商或供应商以外的人员或机构。
The courts and judges will change their role from an active and initiative adjudicator in inquisitional system to a passive and neutral arbitrator; 改变最大的将是法院和法官,由职权制下的积极主动的审判者角色,转变为消极、中立的仲裁人身份;
As with Matter Manner ( Part VIII IX) personal bias must not be allowed to influence an adjudicator's assessment of Method. 评判辩论方法时,评委不得受个人偏见的影响。
The tribunal shall keep a summary or record of proceedings in every appeal which comes before it in such form as the chief adjudicator may determine. 审裁处须就每宗由其处理的上诉,备存其法律程序的撮要或纪录;有关格式由总审裁员决定。
I had been adjudicator for singing contest for many years, but seldom gave any candidate full marks. 自己当歌唱比赛评判多年,绝少给参赛者满分。
An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show. 来自吉尼斯世界纪录的一名评审员特地从伦敦飞往底特律为这块杯蛋糕进行测量,并向前来参加车展的数百民众公布了这一记录。
This latter consideration is sometimes called the "rule of necessity": an adjudicator should not be disqualified if the case could not be heard otherwise. 这后一种考虑有时被称为“必要规则”:如果别无他法可以审理案件,即不得取消裁断者的资格。
She acted as adjudicator in the dispute. 她担任了这场争论的审判官。
Though the legend of the Hades, adjudicator and ghost is unreal, the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people. 虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。
For example, an adjudicator who has become personally familiar with the evidence by serving in an adversary capacity as an investigator or advocate is disqualified from participating in the decision. 例如,因以对立方的身份做过调查员或律师、因而本人已熟悉证据的裁决人即无资格参与裁定。
The adjudicator have to decide impartially between the two parties. 判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决。
Any magistrate and any adjudicator shall be competent to sit as a member of the Tribunal at that full hearing notwithstanding that he was a member of the tribunal which made the interim classification. 任何裁判司或审裁员均可以审裁处成员身分出席,即使其本人乃作出该暂定类别之审裁处成员之一。
Along with the recruitment of Chinese workers to Australia in the 19th century, TCM made its first appearance there. When there are evaluation obstacles done by the third party as adjudicator, competitor should urge advertiser evaluate. 19世纪中叶随着华工应募来到澳大利亚,中医也开始传入澳洲。由第三人为评定行为而出现评定障碍时,应募人应向广告人为评定之催告。
Only when the facts of the case have been proved by the evidences, the adjudicator can make judgment and then resolve the dispute justly. 只有通过证据对案件事实的各个基本要素加以证明,裁判者才可以据此认定案件事实、作出判断并得出裁判结果,才有可能保证审判的公正性。
In the scheme, adjudicator signs a guarantee to ensure his valid behaviors when resolving conflicts, so that action of adjudicator is guaranteed. 方案中仲裁者写下保证书保证在解决纠纷时执行合法行为,保障了仲裁者的公平性。