v. 管理(公司、组织、机构等); 治理(国家); 施行; 执行; 给予; 提供 administer的第三人称单数
VERB 治理,管理(国家等);施行,实施(法律、考核等) If someone administers something such as a country, the law, or a test, they take responsibility for organizing and supervising it.
The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held... 该方案呼吁联合国来管理该国,直到能进行选举为止。
We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially... 我们希望他们能主持正义,不偏不倚。
Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark. 明年夏天的考试在执行和评分上都将很简单。
VERB 给予(病人药物) If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.
Paramedics are trained to administer certain drugs. 护理人员们接受了配发某些药物的培训。
VERB 给以(一拳或一脚) If someone administers a punch or a kick, they punch or kick someone.
He is shown in the tape of the beating as administering most of the blows. 录像显示在斗殴中他打得最凶。
The Network Manager administers IP forwarding, network bridges, and virtual LANs. NetworkManager负责管理IP转发、网桥和虚拟局域网。
The application creates and administers articles. 该应用程序创建并管理文章。
License key server administers user-based licenses for Rational Software. 许可密钥服务器管理Rational软件的基于用户的许可。
This section creates, configures, and administers WPARs, both system and application. 此部分讨论如何创建、配置和管理WPAR(系统WPAR和应用程序WPAR)。
Airlines canceled 708 flights in a 24-hour period at Shanghai's two major airports, according to the bureau that administers them, while carriers also suspended service at other regional airports, including Hangzhou. 据有关部门介绍,在24小时内,各航空公司在上海两大机场共取消了708个航班。航空公司也取消了包括杭州在内的其它地区机场的多个航班。
The Hong Kong Bar Association and the law society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the Council of the service, which manages and administers its operations. 香港大律师公会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
The Trade and Industry Department administers this system and issues certificates of origin. 工业贸易署负责管理这个制度,并签发产地来源证。
The on the market company's and bond company's legal person of our country administers structural defect, its cause lies in system and historical factor. 我国上市公司及证券公司法人治理结构的缺陷,其成因在于体制和历史因素。
The executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade. 执行总统关于国际贸易的政策的执行部门。
Government action administers one of the main body, explores the transforming and optimization governing way unceasingly. 政府作为治理主体之一,不断寻求治理方式的变革与优化。
Someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications. 给予测试性问题决定你是否有资格的人。
The federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare; created in 1979. 处理健康和福利事业的所有联邦政府计划的联邦政府部门;创建于1979年。
The State Department administers it for full-time college or university students who speak English well. 政府为那些把全部时间呆在大学里的并且英语说得很好的学生实施。
It administers the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism. 它负责运作争端解决机制和贸易政策审议机制。
Consults with individuals and groups, assesses psychological disorders and administers programs of treatment. 与个人和团体协商,评估心理障碍并执行治疗方案。
It also administers the registration of key life events. 它也管理主要生活事件的登记。
The PBC administers two different benchmark interest rates: one year lending and one year deposit rate. 中国人民银行负责管理两个不同的基准利率:一年期贷款利率和一年期存款利率。
WTO administers a unified package of agreements to which all members are committed. 世界贸易组织执行统一一揽子的协定,而所有成员国都对这些协议做出了承诺。
A federal agency that administers compulsory military service. 管理义务兵役的一个联邦机构。
The part of a bank which settles estates, performs agency services, and administers trusts and guardianships. 处理房地产业务,从事代理服务,管理信托和监护人业务的银行部门。
It also administers privately funded scholarships awarded on the basis of academic merit. 该办事处也管理私人资助的奖学金,以便颁予学业成绩优异的学生。
The job title in the light of the Guizhou television station of this system administers demand but development. 本体系是根据贵州电视台的职称管理需求而开发的。
Administers rules of a game or sport. 比赛或者体育运动的规则的执行者。
The FSA, one of the world's most respected financial regulatory bodies, administers these regulations. FSA为全球最受尊崇的金融监管机构之一,负责管理此等法规。
He is a conservative person who thoroughly administers his private life. 他是一个保守的人,并全面管理着自己的私人生活。
The mayor, however, generally administers the city in a centrist and technocratic albeit tactless way. 然而,布隆伯格基本上是以中间派和技术官僚尽管不够圆通的方式来管理这个城市的。
The Secretary of State administers foreign affairs. 国务卿掌理外交事务。
The Employees 'Compensation Division of the Labour Department, which administers the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, assists injured employees and dependants of deceased employees in obtaining compensation from their employers. 雇主封工人受到的伤害应给予补偿。劳工处雇员补偿科负责执行《雇员补偿条例》,协助受伤的雇员和已故雇员的家属向雇主索偿。
The federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade ( including management of the census and the patent office); created in 1913. 促进和管理国内外贸易的联邦政府部门(包括人口普查和商务部专利局);创建于1913年。