She ignored the admonitions of her mother. 她对母亲的告诫置若罔闻。
Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food. 而且,夫妻俩同父亲之间唯一的交流就是当父亲不小心丢掉叉子或者把食物弄洒时严厉的训斥声。
In the current bull market, however, with new stock trading accounts being opened at the rate of more than 1m a week, the admonitions of senior officials suddenly seem impotent. 然而,在目前牛市环境下,随着每周动辄新开上百万个股票交易账户,高层官员的劝诫突然变得似乎很无力。
We can all join the Qianlong Emperor and the other people who through the decades have so enjoyed gazing at the Admonitions Scroll. 我们都可以加入乾隆皇帝以及其他穿越千年的人们之列,一起享受观赏这幅《女史箴图》的乐趣。
This is not a world likely to heed the admonitions of a serious environmentalist. 这个世界不太可能会留意到一位严谨的环保学家的警告。
Issuing admonitions about the dollar is easy. 对美元发出警告十分容易。
Blurbs, Admonitions and table cells ( see Tables) may now contain paragraphs. 短评、警告和表格单元(见表格)现在可以包含段落。
Though the Beijing Youth Daily may have been over-generous in its assessment of the constructive nature of the t-shirt's admonitions, I think it came to precisely the right conclusion in this matter. 虽然《北京青年报》对t恤衫“告诫”的建设性本质所做的评价也许过于客气,但我认为她对此事做出了正确的结论。
Master Bates backed this advice with sundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr. 贝兹少爷把自己在道德方面的种种信条都搬了出来,全力支持这一提议。
In the UK, financial regulators have long believed in quiet admonitions and private censure. 在英国,金融监管者长期以来都秉持“默默警告”和“私下谴责”的做法。
In the increasing tumult questions, answers, and the admonitions of the judge began to overlap. 人群中骚乱声越来越大,质问、辩驳以及法官的频频警告开始乱作一团。
More importantly, I wish to encourage young people to learn how to control their desires, concentrate on their studies, and be mindful of the admonitions from their teachers and elders. 更希望藉此勉励年轻人,练习克制自己的欲望。在读书时多放些心思在课业上,把师长的告诫放在心中。
Despite the stern admonitions and entreaties of her parents and friends, she carried out her plan to join the army. 他不顾父母和朋友的严厉告诚和恳求,实现了参军的计划。
Significance of Chinese Ancient Official Admonitions on Present Administrative Culture Construction 中国古代官箴对当前行政文化建设的意义
The resulting masterpiece was the Admonitions Scroll. 于是,就有了千古名作《女史箴图》。
This is not a crowd likely to heed the admonitions of an austere old man(" You don't need so much stuff!")-and from the expression on Moses'face we can see that he knows it. 从摩西的表情我们可以知道他是了解这一点的。
He was so mulish that my admonitions just flowed over him. 他很顽固,我的告诫对他只不过是耳边风。
There had been the regular admonitions that some boys were only interested in one thing or not to waste my money on that blouse when the fashion would be dying soon. 她过去总是警告我有些男孩只对一件事情感兴趣,她还警告我不要把钱浪费在宽松短衫上因为流行很快就会过去。
It also included admonitions against discussing immigration, study abroad and "changing money" and against expressing surprise that foreigners know how to use chopsticks. 此外还有不要与外国人谈移民,谈出国留学,“换钱”,以及看到外国人知道怎么用筷子不要表示惊讶。
That guy is hopeless. All my admonitions are like water off a duck's back. 那个家伙真是不可救药,我的一切警告他都当作耳边风。
All doubts and admonitions, which might be brought against beginning the science with abstract empty being, will disappear if we only perceive what a beginning naturally implies. 只要我们理解到开端之性质的意义,那么,对把抽象空洞的存在认为是逻辑学之开端的一切怀疑和责难,就会消失。
But at the same time we are warned by the admonitions of history and the voice of our own beloved Washington to abstain from entangling alliances with foreign nations. 但同时,我们必须记住历史的训诫,并且恪遵敬爱的华盛顿总统给我们的警告,绝不与外国有任何联盟或瓜葛。
Most developing countries stubbornly resist Western admonitions on the need to cut carbon emissions. 对于西方有关必须削减碳排放的训诫,多数发展中国家采取顽固抵制的立场。
The Concept of The Family Education in Ethics in Admonitions of Master Yan and Its Contemporary Significance 《颜氏家训》中的家庭道德教育思想及其意义
A comparison between admonitions of the Yan Family and the lecture on children's education 《颜氏家训》与《儿童教育讲座》的比较研究
Abstract By tracing its origin, admonitions and value the author interprets rule of law as a historical achievement, a legal morality, a moral value, and a social practice. 本文通过梳理法治的渊源、规诫和价值,把法治依次解释为一项历史成就、一种法制品德、一种道德价值和一种社会实践。
A Comparison Between Admonitions of the Yan Family and Mother School 《颜氏家训》与《母育学校》比较研究
Under the background of the above, Admonitions for the Buddhist Monastery came into being. 《禅林宝训》就是在上述历史背景下产生的。
Admonitions for The Bureaucracy The Professional Moral Norm in The Ancient Time 古代官吏的职业道德规范&官箴
Official Admonitions in Ancient China 清廉:中国古代官箴之一瞥