She let her hand lie in his a moment, smiling up at him adorably. 她伸出手让他握着,抬起头妩媚地朝他微笑。
He turned round. He gazed at her. She was adorably lovely. 他转过身来,他打量她,她美丽得令人仰慕。
Fortunately, all of the units are cleverly realized and adorably animated. 幸运的是,所有单位都被精妙地呈现出来,栩栩如生讨人喜欢。
But who else will recall how adorably frustrated you got putting that model train set together on Christmas Eve? 谁还会去回忆起过去在一起的点点滴滴,我们在圣诞节的除夕不能把火车模型拼在一起就沮丧不已?
However, IU struggled rather adorably to the rest of the songs, drawing smiles from the rest of the cast. 但是,IU对于其余两首歌的努力十分可爱,引起了在场其他人的欢笑。
Especially the babies they are just so adorably cute together. 特别是两个宝宝凑在一起时简直是可爱至极。