The adornments do not cohere with the basic design. 装饰物与设计的基调不协调。
On the Chinese cultural festival of dresses and personal adornments, the beautiful and colorful clothes specifications. 在中国服饰文化节上,瑰丽多彩的少数民族服饰,给人留下了深刻的印象。
And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone. 现在,这一切居然属于她了,可惜那有资格佩戴这垂涎已久的装饰品的美丽长发已无影无踪了。
America's dentists are alarmed by a trend for mouth adornments which encase teeth in precious metals and jewellery. 目前,由金属制成的装饰牙套成为美国时尚青年的新宠,但口腔科专家近日向佩带者发出警告说,谨防口腔疾病!
Papercutting, the traditional Chinese folk art, is frequently used to make auspicious festival adornments 剪纸是中国传统民间工艺,亦是喜庆佳节常见的吉祥挂饰
In like manner, the philosopher must not care for the pleasures of love, or for costly raiment, or sandals, or other adornments of the person. 同样地,哲学家也不该萦心于恋爱的快乐,或华贵的衣鞋,或其他的个人装饰。
Chinese clothing has a unique national style at the world dress and personal adornments fair. 在世界服饰展销会上,中国服装有独特的民族风格。
Finally, literature and philosophy are assigned the role of add-ons intellectual adornments that have nothing to do with "genuine" education. 最后分派给文学和哲学的是一个点缀角色与”真正的“教育不相关智力装饰品。
Personal adornments in striking But not vulgar colors are deeply favored By professional women. 色彩夺目,迥然不俗的服饰,深受职业女性的青睐。
Frogfish, also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。琵琶鱼,穿着一些最多的引人注目的色彩和装饰华丽的身体的装饰品在海洋。
Cultural Inheritance and Education Function of Dress and Adornments of the Miao Nationality in Xijiang 贵州雷山西江苗族服饰文化传承与教育功能
Chinese character and common saying about dress are dress and personal adornments specific sign of han nation. 表衣着的汉字及衣着熟语是汉民族服饰的具象符号。
Japanese food is on the whole superB, one of the adornments of the culture 日本食品总体上是极佳的,是一种文化上的装饰品
They can serve as personal statements, adornments, representations of a commitment, or a sentimental reminder. 它们可以作为个人表述、饰品,代表承诺,或伤感留下的回忆。
A couple of mirrors and a few portrait photographs are the only adornments. 几面镜子、几张肖像照片是唯一装点。
Chinese Clothing is the traditional apparel of Chinese characteristics. Chinese clothing has a unique national style at the world dress and personal adornments fair. 华服,是指具有中华民族传统服饰特征的服饰。在世界服饰展销会上,中国服装有独特的民族风格。
My song has put off her adornments. 我的歌声褪去她的饰物。
Many adornments were carved on the temple walls. 寺院的墙壁上刻着很多装饰物。
Above towered the white dagoba, its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes, despite their man-made adornments, revealed their full northern bleakness. 白塔却高耸到云间,傻白傻白的把一切都带得冷寂萧索,整个的三海在人工的雕琢中显出北地的荒寒。
Mongolian dress and adornments are important departments of the living history on Chinese ethnic minorities. 蒙古族服饰是中国少数民族社会生活文化的重要组成部分。
The physical adornments were born in the action of worshiping religious objects, and gradually realized transformations from aesthetic unconsciousness to aesthetic consciousness. 它从对信仰物的膜拜活动中诞生,逐渐实现了从非审美意识到审美意识的转化。
The musical instruments, personal adornments, songs and dances in the ceremony of worshiping gods or ancestors are all parts of the Saman culture. 萨满祭祀仪式中的法器、服饰、歌、舞等,构成萨满文化的一体。
Take a Look at the Culture of Dress and Personal Adornments from the Function of Clothing 从服装的功能看服饰文化
Spain Sahara Glass Adornments 西班牙Sahara玻璃饰品
Folr Customs Characteristic of Ethnic Dress and Personal Adornments in South Chu 南楚民族服饰的民俗特点
Oxidation colored brass presents abundant bright colors, so it is widely used for dress adornments, building decorations, lamps and hardwares. 黄铜氧化着色因其膜层色彩丰富、光泽好而广泛应用于服装配件、建筑装璜、灯具、五金制件等方面。
The Xinjiang Uygur national minority clothing is in a Chinese nation clothing culture important component, has the rich national clothing and personal adornments graceful bearing, is one which of clothing cultures China most has represents. 新疆维吾尔族服饰是中华民族服饰文化中的一个重要组成部分,具有浓郁的民族衣饰风韵,是中国最具代表的服饰文化之一。