The availability of a greater variety of food has encouraged us as a nation to cook more adventurously. 食物品种繁多,应有尽有,这促使我们成为一个烹饪术大胆创新的民族。
In Britain you don't know how to dress but it means you dress more adventurously 在英国,你们不知道怎么穿着,却意味着你们可以穿得更大胆
Evidence suggests men live more adventurously. 有证据表明男人生活的富于冒险性。
Wearing an adventurously short outfit, velvet long sleeved top and leather bow, the glamorous model showed off her long tanned legs with a pair of studded high heels. 这位迷人的模特身着性感短裙,天鹅绒长袖的上摆还装饰着牛皮蝴蝶结,炫耀着自己棕褐色的长腿和镶满珠宝的一双高跟鞋。