Officials and experts from international organizations such as MECA, AECC, etc. AECC等国际组织的领导及其特邀专家;
Thus, a good understanding of the willingness of local people is of great significance for establishment of the AECC. ( 3) Development of the AECC has a good base of local communities, but they must be treated seriously. 因此,充分了解当地村民的意愿,对开展廊道建设具有积极意义。(3)亚洲象保护廊道建设有良好的社区基础,但要认真对待。
There were eight main land use types in the two AECC from 1988 to 2007: forest, shrub land, rubber, tea garden, dry land, paddy field, water body, and built-up. 两条廊道内1988-2007年间的主要土地利用类型有:有林地、灌木林、橡胶地、茶园、旱地、水田、水域、居民点及工矿用地8种类型。