He does not accept, as the aesthetes proclaim, that good music must have Violins in it. 他不认为像审美家说的那样,好的音乐里必须要有小提琴的声音。
Beauty means harmony, this is put forward by Greek aesthetes more than two thousand years ago. 摘要美意味着和谐,这一观点早在两千年前就有希腊哲学家提出来了。
The aesthetes of the school of practical aesthetics have not faced squarely to this difference and made choices in accordance with science and facts, thus causing the flaw of their theory from the core. 实践派美学家们没有正视这一区别、做出有科学和事实根据的选择,造成了自己学说根基上的缺陷。
Numerous artists, aesthetes, artists and writers are trying to embody this idea in their works. 后来的艺术家、美学家和作家们就一直在诠释着这一思想。
PUGILISTS and aesthetes are not necessarily in opposing corners. 拳击家和美学家未必就凑不到一块儿。
As Jameson says, the artistic pursue and magnificent manner of the aesthetes will ultimately turn to be a kind of mundane and nonobjective symbol, to become a "form of ideology" or some "commodity of words". 正如詹姆斯所说,唯美主义者表面上的艺术追求以及华丽的风格最终成为一种世俗和高度抽象的符号代表,是一种“形式的意识形态”,或“语词的商品”。
From then on, it was inherited and developed constantly by the later writers 、 artists and aesthetes. 从那以后,这一观点不断地被后来的文学家、艺术家及美学家继承和发展。
The analysis and understanding of art creation, aesthetes and art education are of great importance. 了解艺术创造、审美与教育的相互作用和关系,具有重要意义。
The literary creation of modern Chinese writers, with the efforts paid by western aesthetes to regress to the subject at modern time, become more and more internalized and directly pointed to the subject's inner world, which had been hidden by traditions. 中国现代作家的文学创作因此在西方美学回归主体的现代努力中日趋内在化,直指被传统所遮蔽的主体的内心世界。
Chinese aesthetes, influenced by western aesthetics, traditional classifies the forms of beauty into elegance, loftiness ( or majesticity), tragedy, comedy, farce, and humor. 关于美的形态分类,我国美学界由于受西方美学界的影响,一般分为优美、崇高(或壮美)、悲剧(或悲)、喜剧(或喜)、滑稽、幽默等。
Trace the reason to its resource, Wang had the opener ambition and could boldly recommend the western aesthetes, such as Kant, Nietzeche and Schopenhauer. 究其原因,主要在于王国维开放的治学心态和对西方美学观念(主要是康德、尼采、席勒)的大胆借鉴。
As the German aesthetes Schiller once said," Only when people fully human, he was game; only when the player, he is full of human. "that human life is accompanied by growing the game. 正如德国美学家席勒曾说过只有当人充分是人的时候,他才游戏;只有当人游戏时,他才是完整的人。可以说人的一生是伴随着游戏成长的。
Ubiquitous in many aspects of the world, advertising has aroused great interest of linguists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, aesthetes and communications experts. 广告几乎无所不在,它引起了诸如语言学家,心理学家,社会学家、经济学家、美学家以及信息专家的浓厚兴趣。