Losing sleep became insomnia gradually, a chronic disease afflicting me in my life. 积之既久,失眠成病,成了折磨我几十年的终生痼疾。
Now a similar kind of long, slow decline may be afflicting printer industry. 现在,一场性质类似、旷日持久的衰退正在向打印机行业袭来。
But few corporate crises are as ugly and strange as the one afflicting Olympus Corp. 不过很少有哪家陷入危机的公司会难看到奥林巴斯的地步,或是情形蹊跷到它的地步。
And China's heavy reliance on exports and foreign investment ensures that the uncertainties now afflicting the global economy are haunting the Chinese as well. 此外,由于中国经济高度依赖出口和外国投资,这就使得如今全球经济的不确定性也在对中国人造成不利影响。
Increasing food prices are not the only problem afflicting the poor. 粮食价格暴涨并不是折磨穷人的唯一问题。
Within a few months, China will release a plan expected to address how growing cities can avoid the big city disease afflicting Beijing. 未来数月中国料将发布一项计划,其目标预计将是解决以下问题:发展中的城市如何避免患上目前困扰北京的大城市病。
Shares in new-economy sectors have attracted the greatest speculative interest, whereas the broader economic slowdown is afflicting its older industries. 新兴产业领域的股票吸引的投机兴趣最大,而宏观经济放缓影响的是较为传统的行业。
There are three crises afflicting Europe. 目前有三场危机困扰着欧洲。
Such an approach would not only ease transport congestion but also benefit the Chinese economy overall and limit the air pollution afflicting much of china. 这样的方法不仅能减轻交通堵塞,也能让中国经济整体受益,限制影响中国大部分地区的空气污染问题。
Environmental pollution is afflicting many cities and towns all over the world. 环境污染正在危害着全世界的许多城市。
I would then fear a drastic drop in stock market turnover, further fuelling the liquidity problems afflicting the global economy. 那样的话,我担心股市成交量会急剧下降,进一步加剧影响全球经济的流动性问题。
It looks more like a systemic problem afflicting a broad swath of the industry. 看样子,这是个大面积困扰银行业的系统性问题。
But the increasingly acute personnel bottlenecks afflicting the Obama administration are likely to continue for weeks if not months. 但困扰奥巴马(obama)政府、日益严峻的人事瓶颈问题,可能会持续数周如果不是数月的话。
Just as the algae problem appears to be worsening, Xinhua news agency said this week pest-killers were trying to prevent a plague of locusts in Inner Mongolia from descending on Beijing-adding to the sense of near-biblical woes afflicting China. 就在绿藻问题似乎正在恶化之际,新华社报道称,害虫防治人员上周正试图防止内蒙古出现的蝗虫灾害侵袭北京。这条消息使正在困扰中国的、近乎圣经故事般的灾祸感更加强烈。
Spanning the full spectrum of medicine and afflicting people of all ages and ethnic groups, these diseases encompass some of the most common, severe, and disabling conditions affecting Americans. 这些疾病跨越了整个医疗系统,困扰着各个年龄和种族的人们,而且包括了多种在美国人中常见、严重的致残性疾病。
But pre-race nerves this year are afflicting the sport as a whole as much as the drivers themselves. 但今年,赛前紧张不仅折磨着车手,同样也折磨着整项赛事。
Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society. 暴力犯罪仅仅是危害社会的弊病之一。
If Mr Greenspan had been more interested in regulatory matters during his tenure at the head of the Fed, many of the current problems afflicting the US banking system and mortgage borrowers might have been avoided or at least mitigated. 如果格林斯潘在担任美联储主席期间,对监管事宜给予更多的关注,那么许多当前困扰着美国银行业体系和抵押贷款借款人的问题或许就可以避免,或至少会有所减轻。
This stands in contrast with the many redundancies afflicting the local operations of investment banks, hedge funds and private equity firms. 这与投资银行、对冲基金和私人股本公司在华业务的裁员活动形成对比。
Worrying about whether they are at the right party is, however, only a subset of the wider concern afflicting Davos Man and Woman. 不过,担心自己是否来对了派对,只是萦绕在达沃斯男男女女心头的忧虑的一部分。
At first, other countries resisted this trend, leading to concerns in the us that a peculiarly American disease was afflicting its culture and labour market. 起初,这股趋势没有出现在其他国家,以致美国国内产生了一种担忧:美国的文化和劳动力市场患上了一种本国特有的病症。
Uncontrolled acceleration is a euphemism for the disturbing problem jammed accelerator pedals at risk of afflicting millions of Toyota cars and trucks that the company has recalled in recent months. 丰田公司(Toyota)最近几个月召回了数百万辆轿车和卡车,它们都可能存在一个令人不安的问题油门踏板被卡,加速失控只是这个问题的委婉说法。
Hopes for a eurozone recovery suffered a blow yesterday as the recession afflicting the 17-nation bloc became the longest since the single currency was born at the turn of the century. 欧元区复苏的希望昨日遭受打击。昨日发布的经济数据意味着,有17个成员国的欧元区经历衰退的时间,已创下自世纪之交欧元诞生以来的最长纪录。
Yet the idiosyncrasies of the eurozone should not distract us from the general nature of the fiscal crisis that is now afflicting most Western economies. 不过,这场财政危机正折磨着多数西方经济体,欧元区的特性不应使我们忽视其一般性。
MANY Japanese businessmen will tell you that the biggest problem afflicting their country is lack of political leadership. 日本很多商界人士会跟你说,困扰日本的最大问题就是缺乏政治领导力。
It is perhaps the single most effective treatment for Raynaud's disease, a condition mainly afflicting women. 也可能是治疗雷诺氏病最有效的方法;这种病主要发生在妇女身上。
In many accounts, the BBC's current agonies are integrated with the pervasive apprehension afflicting the TV industry. 在很大程度上,BBC眼下的麻烦是与困扰电视业的普遍担忧相伴随的问题。
While the probability of such a calamity afflicting the US may be small, it is not zero. 尽管美国遭遇这种灾难的可能性很小,但并非完全不可能。
When these individuals were moved to another field the number of flies afflicting the herd increased. 当这些释放不同化学信号的牛被转移到其它地方时,整个牛群中蚊蝇的数量马上又会增多起来。