VERB 买得起;负担得起 If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it.
My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator... 我父母甚至买不起一台新冰箱。
The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford... 艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。
We couldn't afford to buy a new rug. 我们买不起新的小地毯。
VERB 经得住;承受得起 If you say that you cannot afford to do something or allow it to happen, you mean that you must not do it or must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to you.
We can't afford to wait... 我们等不起。
The country could not afford the luxury of an election. 该国负担不起选举这样奢侈的事。
VERB 提供;给予 If someone or something affords you an opportunity or protection, they give it to you.
This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change... 这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。
It was a cold room, but it afforded a fine view of the Old City. 这房间虽然很冷,但是它能让人将古城的景致尽收眼底。
His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings. 他的市长身份使他有能力通过出席委员会会议来达成一些事情。
History affords us lessons that merit attention. 历史给我们提供了值得注意的借鉴。
What she has said affords much food for thought. 她这话耐人寻味。
This accident affords us a useful lesson. 这个事故为我们提供了有益的教训。
It affords a livelihood to a great number of people. 这给许多人提供了生计。
He didn't speak much, but what he said affords much food for reflection. 他的话虽然不多,却耐人寻味。
What he said carries profound implications and affords much room for thought. 他的话意味深长,令人回味。
This stretch of land affords cotton. 这片地出产棉花。
History affords us useful lessons. 历史给我们提供了有益的经验教训。
Snyder: Yes, the marketing power it affords a product/ project is tremendous. Snyder:是的,它为产品和项目提供的营销力量是巨大的。
This emerging technology of DLP affords a good opportunity for developers and researchers. 新出现的DLP技术为开发和研究人员提供了良好的机会。
Let us dedicate ourselves to creating a fair and caring society that affords true dignity and rights for all. 让我们大家着力创造一个公正、仁爱的社会,给予所有人真正的尊严和权利。
The hydrogenation of olefins affords an example where both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyses are effective. 烯烃的加氢反应就是这样的一个例子,对它说来均相催化和多相催化都是有效的。
It affords the key to an understanding of the situation. 这提供了了解形势的线索。
This movie affords happy to me. 这部电影给我带来了欢乐。
Could you advise me which to choose? History affords us useful experience and lessons. 你能建议我挑选哪一个吗?历史提供给我们有益的经验和教训。
A city electric-power plant affords an illustration of complicated transformations of energy. 城市发电厂提供了说明能量转换复杂关系的例子。
The bay affords a good anchorage and a safe station for ships. 海湾提供了优良的锚地和船只停泊的安全场所。
A five-day working week affords us more leisure time. 每周五天工作制使我们有了更多的休闲时间。
To the Puritan the Bible was in truth the most precious possession that this world affords. 对一位清教徒来说,《圣经》实在是这世界能提供最宝贵的珍藏。
The result affords the basis to the parking management and guidance in the center area. 本研究为中心区停车场的管理和停车诱导提供了理论依据。
Plant that affords shelter or food to ants that live in symbiotic relations with it. 与蚂蚁共生并为其提供掩蔽和食物的植物。
The fine weather affords us good luck. 好天气给我们带来了好运气。
The tall building affords a beautiful view of the ocean. 从这幢高楼上可以看到大海的美丽景致。
The tower affords a panoramic view of the city. 塔楼上能看到城市的全景。
The top of the Empire State Building affords an excellent panorama of New York City and the surrounding area. 帝国大厦顶楼提供了一个俯瞰纽约市及其周围地区全景的良好场所。
Gymnastics affords youngsters the opportunity to increase coordination, flexibility, strength, and achieve a full body awareness. 体操为青少年增加协调性、灵活性、力量以及获得对整个身体的认知提供了机会。
Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. 生命里不会有比养育下一代更有使命感和优先权的事情了。
Money affords more choices and choice is good. 金钱提供更多的选择,而有选择当然好。