The shop windows were aflame with Christmas lights. 商店橱窗装饰着圣诞节彩灯,显得灯火辉煌。
Others who witnessed the spectacle in America described seeing the blood-red Northern Lights aflame in the night sky. 其他目睹了这一壮观景象的人们表示看到血红色的北极光燃烧了整片夜空。
Winter sunlight appears to set Yosemite National Park's Horsetail Fall aflame. 冬日的阳光让约塞米蒂国家公园的马尾瀑布(HorsetailFall)看起来似乎是燃烧着。
The whole building was soon aflame. 整个建筑物不久就燃烧起来了。
The building was all aflame. 那幢房子失火了。
The cliff was aflame with crimson maple. 悬崖上枫林红似火。
Here General Zhou won his early fame when the Three Kingdoms were all aflame. 那旧营垒的西边,人们说:那是三国时周郎大破曹兵的赤壁。
But the South was aflame with war, events roared along as swiftly as if carried by a mighty wind and the slow tempo of the old days was gone. 可是南方已普遍热衷于战争,凡事都像风驰电掣般呼啸着滚滚向前,往昔那种慢条斯理的节奏已经一去不复返了。
Aflame, I tell you, with birth, aging death, with sorrows, lamentations, pains, distresses, despairs. 我告诉你们,燃起了生、老、死,燃起了忧、愁、悲、戚、惨。
I'll set your matchstick homes aflame! 我会把你们那火柴般的家烧尽!
He opens its rusty door, and explains how he loads the oven with firewood and sets them aflame to get hot coals. 他打开了锈蚀的烤炉门,解释了他怎样将劈柴装入烤炉,并将火点着以获得热煤。
All China is littered with dry faggots which will soon be aflame. 中国是全国都布满了干柴,很快就会燃成烈火。
Investigators say someone is throwing flammable liquid on front or back doors and setting them aflame. 调查员称,有人向住宅的前门或后门扔可燃液体并使其着火。
Bjork's statement was not reported in the state-controlled media, but online sites were aflame with angry comment after word leaked out. 比约克的发言在国家控制的媒体上没有见到报道,但是口风走漏之后,网站上出现了愤怒的评论。
The street is aflame with lamps. 街上灯火辉煌。
The universe aflame with angelic ejaculate. 宇宙随着天使般的射精而燃烧。
One's whole being was aflame with an intensity that consumed the movement of time. 一个人的整个存在都伴随着这种消除了时间运动的强度燃烧起来。
Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away wrath. 亵慢人煽惑通城,智慧人却使怒气转消。
The sun touched the horizon, set it aflame, and disappeared. 夕阳西沉,染红了天际,随后消失了。
His face all ablaze with excitement-Bram Stoker; he was aflame with desire. 他脸上充满了激动-布莱姆·斯托克;他被欲望燃烧着。
The whole village was aflame. 整个村庄都在燃烧。
Georges said nothing, but he was all aflame. 乔戈斯什么也没有说,可是他的整个情绪全灼热起来了。
They defiled your sanctuary and set aflame the dwelling place of your name. 他们又纵火焚烧了你的圣殿,把你圣名的居所亵渎于地面。
Or setting entire villages aflame? 还是烧光整个村子?
Love is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress aflame. 爱是创造之火,是使进步的火炬燃烧不熄的灵感。
The eighth floor of the406-room International Hotel was set aflame, but employees prevented the fire from engulfing the building. 国际旅社第八层的406房间着火了,但是雇员们竭力阻止大火吞噬大楼。
The dragon descended on him, roaring, and all at once the poor beast was aflame, yet somehow he kept on running, screaming with every step, until Drogon landed on him and broke his back. 龙咆哮着下降到它上方,顷刻间这只可怜的野兽便烈火熊熊,但仍然还在奔跑着,尖叫着,直到卓耿降落在它身上,折断了它的脊背。
At this point the Yellow River was set aflame again. 这时,黄河,他看见黄河又燃烧起来了。
It was true that the bear was not aflame when I saw him, but he seemed to glow in the dark. 当我看到那只熊时,正对,它是没有在燃烧发光、但是它在黑暗中似乎泛着燃烧后的红光呢。