Early in 1941 he was named commander of the Afrika Korps. 他早在1941年就被任命为非洲军团的指挥官。
But Sony is hoping that the game, called Afrika, will impress players with its advanced graphics. 不过索尼希望这款名为《非洲》(Afrika)的游戏能凭藉先进的图形处理给玩家带来强烈的视觉冲击。
If the game sells well, Afrika could also help persuade independent publishers to develop newer games that take advantage of the PS3's technological capabilities more fully, says Sony. 如果《非洲》的销量不俗,那还会有助于说服那些独立游戏发行商开发出能够更充分利用PS3先进技术能力的新游戏。
Afrika is a single-player game. 《非洲》是一款单人游戏。
You did not know you were Afrika When you set out for Afrika you did not know you were going. 你不知道你在非洲,当你动身去面对你不知道你要去。
Because you did not know you were Afrika. 因为你不知道你在非洲。