After using oil injection instead of water, analysis is also given to the actual situations of after-cooler of charge gas compressor and inter-stage tank. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE FLUID MECHANICS AND THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MASS TRANSTER IN DSC REACTOR 分析了由注油改为注水后,裂解气压缩机后冷器和段间罐的情况。馏分油选择裂解反应器的流体力学行为及传质特征分析
Never use canned air or gas to clean the sensor. After using oil injection instead of water, analysis is also given to the actual situations of after-cooler of charge gas compressor and inter-stage tank. 绝对不要使用任何罐装压缩空气或液化气清洁感应器。分析了由注油改为注水后,裂解气压缩机后冷器和段间罐的情况。
The Analysis of Thermo-stress in After-cooler of Diesel Engine on DF_4 Locomotive 东风4型机车中冷器热应力分析