Parents often give their time to help with classroom or after-school activities. 家长经常抽时间帮助教务或其他课外活动。
Many are taking two or three advanced-placement courses, playing sports and spending time on after-school activities. 他们当中很多人选修了两到三门高阶课程,参加体育活动,花时间在课外活动上。
The robots will teach after-school classes at 21 schools in the south-eastern city of Daegu. 这些机器人会在韩国东南部城市大邱广域市的21所学校中教授课后兴趣班。
Like many Chinese parents these days, he plans to administer after-school education himself& in a fun way. 和现在的很多中国家长一样,他计划自己给孩子实施课后教育&用一种寓教于乐的方式进行。
Students are gathering for their after-school math lesson. 学生们聚在一起,参加他们课后的数学(在线辅导)课程。
Dr. Chow and her colleagues organize after-school science clubs for girls in low-income communities. 邹博士和她的同事为低收入社区的女孩筹办了一些课外科学辅导俱乐部。
But this time, after-school classes aren't enough for some people. 不过这次,上补习班对一些人来说已经不够了。
Far Eastern students spend more time in school, more time in after-school lessons and more time on homework. 远东地区的学生花在学校、课外课程以及家庭作业上的时间比西方学生多。
It's a report about after-school activities. 这是一篇有关课后活动的报告。
We should diversify our after-school activities to attract more students. 我们应该让课外活动多样化。以吸引更多的学生。
We will have lots of time for after-school activities. 我们将会有很多时间参加课外活动。
In our department, every student goes in for after-school activities. 我们系的每个学生都喜欢课外活动。
All examples of the database and after-school exercises and the final on the plane internship database. 数据库系统概论中所有的数据库例子以及课后习题和最后的上机实习的数据库。
In physical education, teaching more or less conventional: lessons, classes, after-school. 在体育课中,教学常规大致有:课前、课中、课后。
After-school time, I have also actively participated in the school's activities and sports. 课余时间,我还积极参加了学校组织的各项活动和运动。
She puts her love to good use by working at a after-school care centre in a local elementary school. 她把她的爱全部倾注于她在当地一所小学的校后护理中心的工作上了。
He's trying to impress his parents by getting good grades and being involved in after-school activities. 他想拿好成绩和参加课外活动来让父母高兴。
If you have three children, their after-school activities alone could swallow up a quarter of the household budget. 如果你有三个小孩,单单他们的课余培训活动就将吞噬掉家庭预算的四分之一。
In addition, after-school time for a combination of theory and practice. 此外在课余时间进行理论与实践的结合。
She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. 她把这种爱通过在当地一所小学课后辅导中心工作发挥得淋漓尽致。
The company also funds an after-school engineering club at a local primary school. 奥丽文公司还赞助了当地一所小学的一个课外机械制造俱乐部。
Most children take part in after-school clubs. 大多数的孩子都参加了校外小组。
We do after-school activities every afternoon. 我们每天下午进行课外活动。
MIT students visit three after-school programs to teach classes covering Web Publishing and Graphics. 麻省理工学院学生在3个校外项目里教这些班级的学生发布网页和制图。
In many more, after-school activities and field trips have been canceled. 其他的如放学后的活动和实地考察已被取消。
We can arrive before after-school class. 我们能在课后辅导前赶上。
I have only in the after-school time to resolve the problems left in the class. 我只有在课后去研究课上遗留下来的种种问题。
We'll have lots of time for after-school activities. 我们将有许多时间做课外活动。
You could donate some money to the after-school program. 你可以向课外活动项目捐赠点儿钱。