Forget witty chat-up lines and splashing on the aftershave. 忘了那些风趣的搭讪和须后水吧。
Macmillans head of external affair, Kate Seymour, said: 'We know people love the smell of coffee so we thought, why not make a coffee-scented perfume and aftershave? 麦克米兰外事负责人凯特西摩说:我们都知道很多人都喜欢咖啡味的香味,所以就想,为什么不能制作咖啡味香水和须后水呢?
At that time aftershave was not in vogue in france. 那时,剃须霜在法国尚未流行。
But was forced to retreat without the documents when a guard smelt his aftershave and became suspicious. 但是在他还没有找到文件的时候就被迫先行撤退,因为有个警卫闻到味道而起了疑心。
Revived brands such as Old Spice aftershave and Brylcreem hair gel are examples of almost dormant products that were restored by thoughtful marketing. 须后水品牌oldspice和发胶品牌brylcreem等重焕青春的品牌就是例子,说明一些几乎销声匿迹的产品可以通过精心的营销重焕光彩。
We all have a stock image in our heads of a gentleman and his traditional grooming routine: the wet shave, the swaddling hot towels, the stinging splash of aftershave. 对于男士及其惯常的打扮程序,我们头脑中都有这样一个标准形象:湿淋淋的剃须、紧裹着的热毛巾、四处飞溅的须后水。
Judy: Well, if we are on the subject of covering odours please can you put on some strong aftershave, you know how embarrassing you are with your stink. 茱迪:嗯,如果我们是在谈怎么去掉气味的问题的话,那么你就不能涂一些有强烈气味的须后水吗,你要知道你的气味是多么让人厌恶啊。
That's the same atrocious aftershave you wore in court. 和你在法庭上同样浓的刮胡水味道。
On the rail there are a powder box, mouthwash, and electric shaver and aftershave lotion. 架上有粉盒、口剂、动刮胡刀和刮脸保护液。
Such as cologne or aftershave. 比如古龙水或者须后水之类的。
His overuse of aftershave is offensive to anyone. 他的过度擦是进攻给任何人。
Next time I'm gonna make you get a Q-tip with some aftershave. 下次我要让你尝试一下须后水。
I can remember the smile on your face, what you was wearing and even the smell of your aftershave. 而现在的我,仍能够清楚地记起你那微笑的脸,你那天的穿着以及你身上的刮胡水的味道。
He emits, along with a hint of expensive aftershave, the composure of success. 在散发出高档剃须润肤水那幽微香气的同时,他透出成功者特有的沉着镇定。
Now, you're probably ready to radically alter your choice of cologne and aftershave, right? 现在,你可能准备好从根本上改变你对科隆香水和须后水的选择了吧?