Many of the coalition members could have their own political agendas 许多联盟成员可能会有他们自己的政治议题。
Both countries have challenging domestic agendas, but Washington and Beijing fully recognise the importance of their international interactions. 虽然两国均面临棘手的国内议程,但华盛顿和北京方面都充分认识到双方国际互动的重要性。
Some areas use reports as part of meeting agendas. 有些区域使用报表作为会议议程的一部分。
They have different SOA maturity models, knowledge, and agendas. 他们具有不同的SOA成熟度模型、知识和日程安排。
Building health has thus become a priority on national and global agendas. 因此,增进健康已成为国家和全球议程的一项重点。
Managers should have their own agendas to know what they should do and make use of their time. 经理应该有属于自己的议事日程以便知道他们该做的事,充分利用好时间。
Wizards for doing batch conversions and creating legal pleadings, agendas, and calendars. 用于进行成批转换和创建诉状、议程和日历的向导。
Women need special attention in health agendas for three main reasons. 出于三个主要理由,需要在卫生议程中对妇女给予特别关注。
This is no time for fatalism or for traditional political agendas. 现在不是宣扬宿命论或传统政治议程的时候。
Roger: You're entitled to your opinion, but my view is that sharing agendas will be inconvenient. 罗杰∶你有权表达自己的意见,但我的看法是共用议程表会很不方便。
They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organisations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM. 在联合国、世界贸易组织和亚欧会议这样的多边组织的日程上,这些问题显得越来越严重。
You may be working with an entire company's worth of differing agendas and personalities to develop a website. 要开发一个网站,你也许要和全公司不同目的,不同个性的人打交道。
People with mental disorders are stigmatized within communities and marginalized on national and international development agendas. 精神障碍患者在社会上备受歧视,并在国家和国际发展议程中遭到忽视。
Publish our meeting agendas well in advance. 提前公布我们的做好的会议议程。
The idea of questioning the dollar's pre-eminence has received backing from other nations with agendas of their own. 质疑美元突出地位的想法,已得到了有自己议程的其它国家的支持。
And those most in need of help have little opportunity to direct research agendas. 而且最需要帮助的人几乎没有机会引导研究议程。
Above all, governments are strongly encouraged to put immunization high on all health agendas. 最重要的是,强烈鼓励各国政府将免疫置于所有卫生议程的重要地位。
The authorities are worried that NGOs doing vital relief work will push their own political agendas. 政府担心,正在从事重要救灾工作的非政府组织将会推动它们自己的政治议程。
Agendas for action must be context-specific. 行动议程必须符合具体情况。
Political agendas have diverged too. 政治议程也一样存在分歧。
Urgent agendas of domestic renewal on every continent turn out to be a common agenda, for global renewal. 无论在哪一个大洲,本国重建的迫切议程最终都将被证明是同一个议程:全球重建。
Less than a decade ago, public health was struggling to gain visibility in national and international development agendas. 不到十年以前,公共卫生曾力争在国家和国际发展议程中占据显著地位。
We think that the two agendas can, and should be, designed to be mutually reinforcing. 我们认为上述两项议程能够,而且应该以互相促进的方式进行部署。
Non-governmental organizations and coalitions are pressing to have the international language question placed on the agendas of the United Nations and the European union. 国际非政府组织和联盟迫使联合国和欧盟将国际语言问题列入会议日程。
Now of course, if there are other agendas present this will have a major influence on the team. 当然,如果现在有其他因素存在,这将对团队有重大影响。
Because they want to stay involved with better-funded projects, developing country scientists are increasingly modifying their research agendas. 由于发展中国家希望参与资助更优厚的项目,这些国家的科学家越来越多地修改他们的研究议程。
But it must be clear which opinions come from detailed knowledge and training, and which may be driven by other agendas. 但是媒体必须清楚哪些意见来自详细的知识和训练,而哪些意见可能受到了其他议程的驱策。
Never before has health enjoyed such a high place on development and political agendas. 卫生从未像现在这样在发展和政治议程上享有如此重要的地位。
The status of these diseases is rising on national and international health agendas. 这类疾病在国家和国际卫生工作议程中的地位在不断提高。