For now I am expressing my disappointment to the University for dragging on this agendum, and I am going to propose a motion of regret on the Council to the University for this. 本人正式在此对校方以拖延的方法解决问题,表示极度不满,并要求评议会通过一则针对校方之遗憾动议。
The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. 三个魔神发觉到人类将成为他们战胜天堂的关键钥匙,但这将改变他们从一开始就酝酿的计划。
Run Maintenance Security Safeguard System ( SmartPilot) is the Monitor Safeguard System oriented to Community of telecommunications to realize the agendum and transaction management and monitor the state of the software system and the hardware system. 本文所研究的运维安全保障系统是各电信运营商对其日常业务的处理、软硬件系统的状态进行监控及报警的监控保障系统。
The system this treatise talks about includes several modules such as personnel managing system, file managing system, intramural mail system and agendum managing system. 本文介绍的系统包括人事管理系统、文档管理系统、内部邮件系统、公司日程管理系统几个模块。