What aggravates you most about this country? 该国的哪一点让你最恼火?
He aggravates the girl just by looking at her. 他只是看着那女孩就把她惹恼了。
Sleep loss often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make it more difficult to fall asleep. 睡眠不足会加剧抑郁症,而抑郁会让睡眠变得更困难。
It is no use starting late in life to say: "I will take an interest in this or that." Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. 到了晚年才开始说“我要培养这个或那个兴趣”是毫无用处的,像这种尝试只会增加精神上的负担。
If most people cannot use this technology, it is not a successful advancement but on the contrary, it aggravates the "digital divide" crisis in the world. 如果大多数人无法使用此技术,这就不是成功的技术发展,反而加剧了全球的“数字分水岭”危机。
Taking drugs, consuming alcohol only aggravates situation. 吸毒、饮酒只会使我们的状况变得更遭。
In reality, however, cutting wages and spending in a depressed economy just aggravates the real problem, which is inadequate demand. 然而实际上,在经济受到抑制时,削减工资和开支只会加剧真正的问题,真正的问题是需求不足。
Studies show that expressing anger only aggravates it; 研究显示表达愤怒只会激化它;
In modern society, that divorce rate rockets aggravates the youth crime. 当今社会持续激增的离婚率加剧了青少年犯罪。
This trend, together with the low number of women and girls studying science, aggravates the problem of women's under-representation in science in developing countries. 这种趋势再加上学习科学的女性和女孩的数量少,这让女性在发展中国家的科学领域未被充分代表的问题恶化。
Acute hypercarbia aggravates existing cerebral edema because it causes cerebral vasodilatation and increased cerebral blood flow. 急性高碳酸血症可因其导致脑血管扩张和增加脑血流量而加重已经存在的脑水肿。
The results show that FDI and import trade are helpful to improve our environmental quality and the export trade aggravates our environment. 分析结果显示,FDI和进口贸易有利于我国环境质量的改善,而出口贸易则恶化了我国的环境,“污染避难所”假说在我国得到实证;
Furthermore, the imperfection of law aggravates this trend. 立法的模糊与不周延更加剧了这种趋势。
In addition, export-oriented economic growth aggravates the divides between rich and poor, curbs domestic demand and can't maintain the high economic growth. 并且,外向型经济增长加剧我国贫富分化,抑制国内需求,不能保持经济长期的高增长率。
Hypertension may induce endothelial dysfunction and aggravates it, and the endothelial dysfunction may also promote the occurrence and the development of hypertension. 高血压可以导致并加重内皮功能紊乱,而内皮功能紊乱又促进高血压的发生和发展。
His bossy attitude aggravates me. 他专横的态度使我恼火。
ConclusionG71R gene mutation combined with G6PDdeficiency aggravates the degree of neonatal jaundice. 结论G6PD缺乏与G71R基因突变并存加重新生儿黄疸程度。
Growing nationalism in Asia, especially China, aggravates the threat ( see). 在亚洲地区特别是在中国,民族主义愈演愈烈,加重了领土争端的威胁(见)。
Inefficient implementation of prices aggravates the problem. 政策不能有效地实施使问题更为严重。
Now nothing aggravates me more than when people torment each pther. 没有什么东西比人们的互相折磨更使我愤怒。
The dry-wet cycle damage of concrete aggravates with the increase of cement fineness. 水泥细度的提高加剧了混凝土干湿循环损伤的程度。
Besides, a huge amount of inventory adds pressure to safe-keeping and storage, engages a considerable portion of the manpower and facilities, and aggravates the burden of the business. 此外,大量的库存增加了保管与仓储的压力,占用了相当的人力和物力,使得企业负担加重。
The rise in oil prices aggravates the prospects for a recession. 油价上涨加重了经济衰退前景。
Growing nationalism in Asia, especially China, aggravates the threat ( see article). 在亚洲渐趋增多的民族主义者,特别是在中国,恶化了这些岛屿争端(见另文)。
China and the Soviet Union are in close geographical proximity, which aggravates japan's crisis and facilitates china's war of resistance. 中苏两国是地理接近的,这一点加重了日本的危机,便利了中国的抗战。
During pregnancy, maternal anemia aggravates the effects of hemorrhage and sepsis at childbirth and is a major contributing factor to maternal mortality. 孕期贫血会增加生产时出血和患败血症的可能性,同时也是孕妇死亡的主要因素。
Little wool market information penetrates xinjiang, and the lack of workable wool quality standards aggravates the gap between wools value and its price. 羊毛市场的信息很不容易在新疆传播,缺乏可操作的羊毛质量标准进一步扩大了羊毛价值和其价格间差距。
Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as passive resistance. 消极反抗最使真心实意的人恼火。
Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. 这样的尝试只会加重精神劳累。
Lakes and rivers are becoming seriously polluted, which aggravates ( worsens) the shortage of fresh water. 湖泊河流正在被严重污染,这使淡水的短缺变得愈加严重。