'Who's Agnes?' — 'You'll be meeting her presently.' “谁是阿格尼丝?”——“你很快就会见到她。”
My mother, the former Angela Sheehan, grew up in a Limerick slum with her mother, two brothers, Thomas and Patrick, and a sister, Agnes. 我妈妈婚前的名字叫安吉拉。什罕,她在利默里克一个贫民窟里长大,和她妈妈、两个兄弟托马斯和帕特里克以及一个妹妹艾格尼斯住在一起。
A retired teacher named Agnes Stevens started School on Wheels eight years ago. 一个名叫阿内斯·史蒂芬的退休教师在8年前创办了“车轮上的学校”这一组织。
Agnes: Yeah, a little sister he'd like to do. 嗯,他想上的一个小妹妹。
AGNES: You really should't be in here, kid. 艾尼丝:小伙子,你真的不该到这里来。
I was annoyed with myself for mentioning Agnes's name, and hated hearing him say it, but I said nothing and drank my coffee. 我很自恼提到了阿格尼斯的名字,而且讨厌听到他称呼这个名字。可我并没说什么,只顾喝我的咖啡。
Just then the door opened and Agnes entered silently. 正在这时,门开了,阿格尼斯静静地走进来。
Aunt Agnes glowed with joy. 阿格尼丝姑妈高兴得容光焕发。
The next day, Mrs Heep did not leave Agnes and me alone even for a minute. 第二天,希普太太没给阿格尼斯和我留下片刻单独在一起的时间。
How's Agnes doing? Did she have her baby? 爱妮怎么样了?有孩子了吗?
It was in 1934 that I met Agnes Smedley. 我是在1934年认识艾格妮丝·史沫特莱的。
Agnes Miller was one of the earliest well-known leaders of the women's liberation movement in the United States. 阿格妮丝?米勒是美国著名的早期妇女解放运动的领导人之一。
I'm not married to my Agnes yet, and you're a dangerous rival, Mr Copperfield. 我还没有把阿格尼斯娶过门,而你是一位危险的对手,科波菲尔先生。
Lady Agnes saw him dance and complimented him upon his elegance and activity. 艾格尼丝夫人发现他跳舞了,她称赞他跳得优美灵活,风度翩翩。
Agnes: you and every other man I've ever met. 安格尼兹:你和我遇到的几乎每一个男人。
Agnes Smedley was a well-known American journalist, writer, and social activist, and an outstanding woman. 艾格尼丝·史沫特莱,美国著名记者、作家和社会活动家,也是一位杰出的女性。
Of their four daughters the only one they were able to marry off was agnes, the youngest. 他们的4个女儿中,能够嫁出去的只有最小的女儿艾格尼丝。
David, do you think if you asked Agnes, she'd come and see me? 大卫,你觉得假如你要阿格尼斯来一趟,她会来看我吗?
He named other streets after those close and dear to the family, such as Workman, Kauffman, Temple and Agnes. 他供出其他街道后,那些接近和亲爱的家人,例如工人,考夫曼,庙宇和。
Her mother was dead, with Agnes to look after her father's house. 艾格尼丝的母亲死了,由她来照顾她父亲的房子。
In1847 Emily's novel Wuthering Heights and Anne's Agnes Grey were published as a set. 在1847年,艾米莉的小说《呼啸山庄》和安的《艾格尼斯格雷》做为同一系列作品同时出版。
Always if you looked for it, you could see that Agnes ever carried her colors. 如果你留心,总可以发现埃格尼斯永远带着她的色彩徽记。
Mr Micawber brought Agnes into the room too, and then stood firmly by the door. 米考伯先生把阿格尼斯也带到了办公室,自己则坚定地站在门口。
Dear, sweet Agnes, my adopted sister! 至爱至亲的阿格尼斯,我的义姐!
The end for Agnes Smedley came untimely and under difficult circumstances. 艾格妮丝·史沫特莱在艰难的环境下过早地结束了自己的一生。
One morning, Agnes was riding her bike to school. 一天早上,艾格尼丝正骑着自行车走在去学校的路上。
Agnes was not badly hurt. But it took a while for her to get out of the hole. 艾格尼丝伤得不重,不过过了好一会儿才从洞里爬出来。
Agnes: By the way, I love your dress. I mean, I've been coveting it all day. 顺便说一句,我喜欢你的裙子,我的意思是,我一整天都对它垂涎。
Agnes came the next day, and went straight upstairs to see Dora. 第二天,阿格尼斯来了,径直来到楼上看望朵拉。
The tutor wrote a very kind and feeling letter to Lady Agnes on the subject. 指导教师为这件事,写了一封非常恳切和感人的信给艾格尼丝夫人。