The deal was completely above board. I then set the airbrush to screen and cut in some highlights. 这笔交易是完全光明正大的.我当时还用喷笔在屏幕提亮了些高光。
I also noticed that I had been a bit reckless with the airbrush and had lost some of the definition on the man's nose and cheek. 我还注意到我做了另一个不计后果的喷枪应用,在男人的鼻子和脸颊上降低了精晰度。
Similarly, if you were building the engine, you wouldn't want the airbrush, and be told you could now'prime coat the surfaces of the frame '. 同样,如果发动机归你装配,也不会需要喷雾器,并被告知现在该“为外壳打底漆”了。
Spray rubber hoses for agricultural use paint with an airbrush. 农用喷雾机橡胶软管用油漆喷雾器进行油漆。
Paint with an airbrush. 用油漆喷雾器进行油漆。
Loose flow of hair painted with airbrush, line tool and smudge. 应用喷枪工具、直线工具和涂抹工具来画出头发的走势。
RETOUCHING – the alteration of a printed photograph using tools such as an airbrush. 修版–使用诸如喷枪之类的工具对打印相片进行修改。
Paint with an airbrush. offshore dispersant sprayer 用油漆喷雾器进行油漆。海上溢油消除剂喷洒器
Airbrush: Most used in normal mode for loose shading and in color mode for applying colour. 油漆喷枪:常用于普通模式下对图像进行粗糙的阴影描绘,在色彩模式下对图片上色。
Clouds were done with a basic airbrush on an additional layer. 在另一个图层上用基本的喷枪绘制韵。
He works in various mediums including oils, acrylics, airbrush, computer graphics in both fine commercial art. 他服务以各种各样的媒介包括油、丙烯酸酯、气刷,和计算机图表在美好和商业艺术。
This was done very simply by painting over the current image with the airbrush in color mode. 这一步很简单的,用喷枪工具直接在色彩模式下对当前图着色就可以完成了。
Airbrush coating: A method of coating paper. 气刷涂布:纸张涂面的一个方法。
The free-debug art designing airbrush has the advantages of original conception, convenient assembly and long service life. 本产品具有构思新颖、装配方便、使用寿命长的优点。
A gas valve is provided at the rear end of the airbrush for controlling the mixed gas. 喷枪体的后部设有控制混合气体的气控阀。
The same airbrush, set to multiply, gives me my shading. 用相同的笔刷,在需要加较重阴影的地方再次图刷。
I then set the airbrush to screen and cut in some highlights. The role of photochemical reactions in soil pesticide degradation remains uncertain. 我当时还用喷笔在屏幕提亮了些高光。光化学反应在土壤中的农药的降解方面的作用还没有确定。
So tell me again, do you have airbrush experience? 你上次说的,你有用过油漆喷雾器?
Also using the airbrush in color mode, I applied a touch of make-up to the woman's eye lids. 同样应用喷枪工具在颜色模式下,我只稍微点了几下就创作出女人的眼睑。
We need to avoid the temptation, in many ways understandable as it might be, to airbrush or sanitize Aristotle, to make him seem more politically correct for modern readers. 我们要避开这个诱惑,虽然在很多方面看来,他可能在经过喷雾与消毒之后较易理解,亚里士多德,也许会对现代的读者变得比较政治正确。
Lost contrast was then cut back in using my airbrush tool. 然后回过头用喷笔工具将对比减弱。
The famous y robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush. 那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。