Congratulations! You have now completed a Zero Ajax application. 祝贺您!您现在已经完成了一个ZeroAjax应用程序。
You can also make cross-domain Ajax calls from your Web applications using Flash. 您还可以使用Flash从Web应用程序进行跨域Ajax调用。
You'll use JSON and Ajax again but this time to enable calendars and tag-clouds. 您将再次使用JSON和Ajax,??过这次是启用日程表和标志云。
I'll add multiple Ajax calls from the client-side to the server-side in order to gather information. 我将添加从客户端到服务器端的多个Ajax调用以收集信息。
Google has come up with innovative technology that brings Ajax application development to a completely new level. 所幸的是Google现已提出一种创新技术,将Ajax应用程序开发带到了一个全新的阶段。
Now you can push Ajax refreshing from the server side. 现在,就可以从服务器端进行Ajax刷新了。
Extended the Ajax application with an extra callback and a new Dojo widget. 用一个额外的回调函数和新的Dojo部件扩展了Ajax应用程序。
With Firebug you can easily debug and tune Web and Ajax applications. 借助Firebug,可以很轻松地调试和优化Web和Ajax应用程序。
But it takes more than just an Ajax-enabled Web page to create a Web2.0 application. 但是创建Web2.0应用程序不仅需要启用了Ajax的Web页面。
In Ajax, you want to keep data and presentation ( HTML) separated. 在Ajax中需要保持数据和表示(HTML)的分离。
This article uses the Firebug plug-in for Firefox as it is a great tool for Ajax debugging. 本文使用了Firefox的Firebug插件,因为该插件是一个很棒的Ajax调试工具。
In this article, you saw how JSON can be a viable alternative to XML when making Ajax requests. 在本文中,您看到了在发出Ajax请求时,JSON如何有效替代XML。
On the client side, Ajax contains JavaScript and an XML framework. 在客户端,Ajax包含JavaScript和一个XML框架。
ZK is an event-driven, component-based Ajax framework known for its Java programming and integration with Java EE technologies. ZK是一个事件驱动的、基于组件的Ajax框架,因其使用Java语言来编程和与javaEE技术的集成而出名。
This article is part of a multi-part series on developing a suite of Ajax-enabled controls for J2EE applications. 本文是由多部分组成的系列文章的其中之一,该系列文章介绍了如何为J2EE应用程序开发启用了Ajax的控件套件。
Ajax, however, is just a fancy acronym for the combination of JavaScript and XML. Ajax仅仅是对JavaScript和XML组合的富有想像力的缩写词。
In this article, learn the best practices for writing JavaScript code and performing Ajax requests. 在本文中,您将了解编写JavaScript代码和执行Ajax请求的最佳实践。
This series explores how to develop event-driven web applications using Reverse Ajax techniques. 本系列文章探讨了如何使用ReverseAjax技术开发事件驱动的Web应用程序。
Ajax is a framework of UI capabilities and concepts driven by an XML-based request and response server invocation model. Ajax是一个受基于XML的请求和响应服务器调用模型驱动的UI功能和概念的框架。
And an even more relevant reason is: Ajax applications and requests are sandboxed. 更为重要的一个原因是:Ajax应用程序和请求都是封装在沙盒中的。
They are SQL, XML, and Ajax injection vulnerabilities. 它们是SQL、XML和Ajax注入漏洞。
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ( Ajax), is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. AsynchronousJavaScriptandXML(Ajax)是一种用于创建交互式web应用程序的web开发技术。
I also need a template for the add_ajax() method. addajax()方法还需要一个模板。
Ajax technology improves application usability by eliminating excessive Web page refreshes. Ajax技术通过消除过多的Web页面刷新,提高了应用程序的可用性。
This article uses DWR to build a sample Ajax application based on three portlets. 本文使用DWR、基于三个portlet来构建一个示例Ajax应用程序。
In this article, we described how and why you would use Ajax in your portal applications. 在本文中,我们描述了在门户应用程序中使用Ajax的方式和原因。
In this article you learned about the importance of JavaScript and Ajax performance in modern websites and applications. 本文中,您了解到JavaScript和Ajax性能在现代网站和应用程序中的重要性。
This section presents a dynamic form based on Ajax and DHTML. 本节展示一个基于Ajax和DHTML的动态表单。
Ajax programming has given Web application developers greater power and flexibility than traditional Web development methods. Ajax编程给Web应用程序开发人员提供了比传统Web开发方法更强大的功能和灵活性。
It brings the desktop programming experience to Ajax. 它带来了Ajax桌面编程体验。