The rare direct appeal by Akira Amari, the Japanese minister responsible for the talks, shows how nerves on both sides of the Pacific are fraying as the effective deadline for a deal draws close. 甘利明是日本方面负责相关谈判的大臣,他这一罕见的直接呼吁凸显出,随着协议的实际截止日期日益临近,太平洋两侧的美日双方都变得十分焦虑。
I believe his Majesty wanted Prime Minister Abe to hear, said Akira Hashimoto, a Japanese journalist. 日本记者桥本明称:我觉得天皇这些话是说给安倍首相听的。
There was clearly huge pressure on the regulatory agency from the Abe government, said Akira Kimura, a professor of peace studies at Kagoshima University who has been involved in efforts to block the restart of the Sendai plant. 鹿儿岛大学(KagoshimaUniversity)和平学教授木村朗(AkiraKimura)参加了阻止川内核电厂重启的工作,他说,很明显,安倍政府给监管机构施加了巨大压力。
That's what Akira is? 这就是亚基拉吗?
Zhang Yimou and Akira kurosawa, far from glorifying violence or the abuse of power, appeal to the values that lie at the foundation of their cultures: peace, harmony, friendship, mutual care, beauty, purity, and love. 张艺谋和黑泽明不是要赞颂暴力和强权,而是要唤起文化的底蕴和价值:和平、和谐、友谊、相互关心、美丽、纯净和爱。
Mike Froman, US trade representative, and Akira Amari of Japan have conducted some 40 hours of negotiations in the past two weeks, half of which has been spent in one-on-one discussions, according to officials. 据一些官员透露,美国贸易代表迈克弗罗曼(MikeFroman)和日本的甘利明(AkiraAmari)在过去两周的累计谈判时间已达到大约40小时,其中一半时间花在一对一的单独讨论上。
Then what about that Akira world renewal movement? 那么你怎么解释亚基拉世界复兴运动?
The new arrival correctly guesses who Shiki is, and berates him for hanging out with junior high school girls. panicked, Akira interrupts claiming that it was at her invitation. 刚到的人很快就猜出了他是志贵,然后指责他与初中女生交游。晶惊惶失措的打断了那人的数落,并解释是她邀请志贵来的。
Another, Akira Chiba, a successful diplomat, said: In Japan, gods are floating all around. 另外一位朋友千叶明(AkiraChiba)是一位成功的外交官,他表示:在日本,神无所不在。
Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George's moving hand. 然而,就在那时,永田明正在鞠躬,所以他的鼻子碰到了乔治伸过来的手。
He went to where Akira is? 他去找亚基拉了?
Dark world the same color, he saw the smiling faces hanging from the V Akira. 天地灰暗一色,只见彼起此伏的笑脸悬晃。
SW: What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film? 在黑泽明最新的武士电影里,你担任什么样的角色?
That's not Lord akira! 他不是亚基拉!
Kiyoko said that you'll awaken akira. 清子说你会唤醒亚基拉。
He's been thinking for a decade about taking one of Block's stories, moving it to China, and making a movie of it, much like Akira Kurosawa did with Ed McBain when he set High and Low in Japan. 他对于能把劳伦斯卜洛克的小说搬到中国拍成一部电影的渴望已有十年之久,很像黑泽明将美国作家艾德麦可班恩的小说搬到日本拍成「天国与地狱」一样。
But rather, those citizens who hope for Akira will. 而是那些希望亚基拉重生的市民。
Tetsuo, why does everyone call you "akira"? 铁雄,为什么他们都叫你“亚基拉”啊?
Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. 随后,来自日本的永田明微笑着走了进来,同时进来的还有加拿大的乔治•库克。
The time of Lord akira's awakening draws near! 光明之主亚基拉重生的日子近了!
Akira Kurosawa, the famous Japanese movie director, adapted Shakespeare's King Lear for the film Ran and gained the good reputation of "Shakespeare in the East". 日本著名电影导演黑泽明根据莎士比亚的《李尔王》改编成一部电影《乱》,籍此赢得了东方的莎士比亚的美誉。
As the milestone person of Japanese film the first director who gains Academy Honorary Award in Asia, Akira Kurosawa play the key role in the filmdom. 作为日本电影的里程碑式人物、亚洲第一位获得奥斯卡终身成就奖的导演,黑泽明在电影界的地位是举足轻重的。
On external visual words, Akira Kurosawa makes his films colorful, open and bright, and uses simplifying colour in symbolizing and corresponding to poetic dwelling after bumpy life, which cooperates with the theme of film to the road of regression. 而外在的视觉言说,黑泽明将其电影色彩呈现得绚丽多彩、开阔明朗,并且以色彩的化繁为简来对应和象征生命历经坎坷后的诗意栖居,配合着电影主题最终通往绿色的回归之路。
Hayao Miyazaki is called "Akira Kurosawa of animation industry" by Disney. On the ground of Japanese traditional culture, he looks at the world, depicts the problems faced and concerned by the whole world and entrusts his animated works with profound soul. 宫崎骏被迪斯尼称为动画界的黑泽明,他在立足日本传统文化的基础上放眼世界,描绘全世界所共同面临和关注的问题,赋予动画作品深邃的灵魂。
Akira Kurosawa is not only an outstanding director, but also a successful playwright. His works are international and full of distinctive national features. He opened up the way to the world for Japanese movies. 黑泽明不仅是一位杰出的导演,同时还是成功的剧作家,他的作品既具有世界性,又极具鲜明的民族特色,是日本电影站上世界舞台的成功经验。
Akira Kurosawa is always a symbolic man in Japanese filmdom. 黑泽明,一直是日本电影业中的标志性人物。
Earlier, subject consciousness of Akira Kurosawa is prominent and almost incisive. He was unwilling to accept being restricted by macro history and culture, but was gifted at shaping tough and self-supporting young men images in post-war Japan. 前期的黑泽明主体意识突出近乎锋芒毕露,他不愿接受宏观历史文化的制约,而擅长于塑造日本战后坚韧而自立的年轻人形象。
Whereas, Akira Kurosawa in the international community received reputation, but in Japan domestic was snubbed. 但是,在国际社会颇受好评的黑泽明却在日本国内遭到了冷落。