At least the security industry, accused alternately of alarmism and complacency, now has a more realistic way to talk to its customers. 至少,总被指责耸人听闻、自鸣得意的安全行业,现在能够更加实事求是地同客户交谈。
The unions accused him of alarmism ( some colleagues had, of course, died in the terror attacks). 工会指责他危言耸听(当然,他的一些同事在此次恐怖袭击中身亡)。
We can also count on the fact that the Czech government will hopefully not be the champion of global warming alarmism. 捷克政府不至于成为全球变暖危言的支持者,这一点也是我们可以指望的。
But such alarmism risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. 但这样的危言,有可能变成自我实现的预言。
FROM blithe denial to rank alarmism in a matter of days. 从盲目乐观的拒绝到几天之内的危言耸听的排名。
These myths, he says, have arisen through the alarmism of climate change activists, rather than from historical or scientific fact ( see The malaria myths of climate change). 他说,这些荒谬故事源自气候变化活动家的危言耸听,而不是源于历史或科学的事实(参见气候变化的疟疾荒诞故事气候变化的疟疾荒诞故事)。
Climate change's complex links with insect-borne disease need solid research& not alarmism that distracts from other crucial factors. 气候变化与虫媒疾病的复杂联系需要坚实的研究&而不需要让人们分散了对其它关键因素注意力的危言耸听。