ADJ-GRADED 轻事重报的;危言耸听的;杞人忧天的 Someone or something that is alarmist causes unnecessary fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen.
Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die. 那些更加危言耸听的报道说他生命垂危,但事实并非如此。
轻事重报的人;危言耸听的人;杞人忧天的人 An alarmist is someone who causes unnecessary fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.
Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die. 那些更加危言耸听的报道说他生命垂危,但事实并非如此。
This is not alarmist talk, but a hard fact. 这不是耸人听闻,而是铁的事实。
EXAMPLE: My cynical brother is well-known in our family as an alarmist who always predicts disasters at weddings and celebrations. 在我们家里,我那玩世不恭的兄弟出了名地喜欢咋呼,总是预言婚礼和庆典上要发生灾难。
As this tragedy spreads, without being alarmist, what is the worst case scenario we could be looking at globally? 如果抗生素抗药菌四处蔓延,这不是危言耸听,我们所面临的最糟糕情况是怎样的?
At the same time, a group of data also proved that it is not alarmist talk. 同时,一组数据也证明这并不是危言耸听。
Do not think I was "alarmist", you not believe, I can tell you. 你别以为我是“危言耸听”,你若不信,我可以告诉你。
This is not only alarmist talk. 我不是危言耸听。
Alarmist, saying that divining a coherent middle class is practically impossible. 其他社会学家则没有这么危言耸听,他们认为,要清晰界定中产阶层是不切实际的。
I do not mean to be alarmist, nor to peddle the facile notion of history repeating itself. 我并不想耸人听闻,也不是要兜售那个老掉牙的说法即历史总是重演。
But then the best minds in Washington and Wall Street deemed that term too alarmist and started to use the politically correct word "problem" asset instead. 但后来,华盛顿和华尔街的头头脑脑们觉得这个词过于危言耸听,便开始转而使用政治上正确的词汇“问题”资产。
Richard Tol, senior research officer at Ireland's Economic and Social Research Institute, called Stern's report alarmist, saying it overestimated the impact of climate change. 爱尔兰经济和社会研究所的高级研究员理查德。陶勒先生称斯特恩的报告是杞人忧天,说报告过高地估计了气温变化所带来的影响。
This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle. 单这一想法就将激起右翼的怒吼,我倒觉得不过是危言耸听。
Global warming "sceptics" lined up to dismiss the "alarmist" findings. But the report, which took six years to write, could scarcely be more authoritative. 全球变暖怀疑论者齐声反驳这些危言耸听的结论。但这份耗时六年撰写的报告,其权威性或许找不到出其右者了。
You're just an alarmist! 你实在太大惊小怪了!
This is not just alarmist talk. 这不是危言耸听。
That this is a dangerous signal a bit alarmist, but at least people will mind Ta Kwu. 说这是一个危险的信号有点耸人听闻,但至少会让人心里打鼓。
The tectonic plates of foreign exchange have shifted; warnings about a currency "war" are no longer alarmist. 外汇“构造板块”已发生了移动;有关汇率“战争”的警告不再是杞人忧天。
To some, this seems alarmist. 在一些人看来,这似乎是杞人忧天。
This is not alarmist talk; it is a truth repeatedly borne out by history. 这不是危言耸听,而是历史多次证明了的真理。
It seems not in the alarmist. 这似乎不是危言耸听。
Like many alarmist narratives, this story feeds on real fears. 与许多警示性的描述一样,这种说法源自于真实的忧虑。
He highlighted a series of "alarming, though not alarmist" scenarios, in which increasing degradation and competition for dwindling resources weakened the power of States to resolve conflict. 他强调了一系列“令人担忧但并非危言耸听”的情形,其中,环境的日益恶化以及对日益减少的资源的竞争,削弱了各国解决冲突的能力。
In my opinion, if the government still keep out of the affair, so the school bus accident will also continue, this is not alarmist talk. 在我看来,倘若政府依旧置身事外,那么校车事故还将继续,这必定不是危言耸听。
Ignore the alarmist warnings that we are committing national suicide by regulatory interventions. 无视那些“监管干预等于国家自杀”的危言耸听吧。
Alarmist warnings, forecasts, etc At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war. 危言耸听的警告,预告等起初,有一些危言耸听的人预言战争会重新再起。
It is only too easy to be alarmist. 危言耸听。那是再容易不过的了。
The king took a less alarmist view. 国王陛下的看法并不那么大惊小怪。
I think this is extremely irresponsible and alarmist. 我认为这是极不负责任的和危言耸听。
Proponents of open access deny this claim, saying there is no evidence to support such alarmist statements, and that its authors have confused various strands of the open access debate. 开放获取出版物模式的支持者否认这样的言辞,表示现在根本没有任何证据来支持这样大惊小怪的言论,这一声明的作者们混淆了当前开放获取期刊争论中的各种观点。
Those who want to be alarmist can portray the big trading powers and particularly the US as embroiled in a tangle of litigation and discord. 那些想要危言耸听的人,可将大型贸易国家(尤其是美国)描述为深陷诉讼和冲突的纠缠。