Isolation, Identification of Aldicarb Degrading Bacteria and Its Biodegradation Characteristics 涕灭威降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性研究
Subsoil applications of aldicarb prevent peanut viral diseases 底施涕灭威可有效预防花生病毒病
Influence of aldicarb on groundwater quality 应用计算机评价铁灭克农药对地下水污染的影响
After application of aldicarb to the tobacco field, residues mainly remained in the top soil layer. 涕灭威在烟田土壤施用后,主要滞留在表层土壤中,其淋溶性主要受降水量及土壤性质的影响。
A Simple and Rapid Procedure for Detection of DNA Damage Caused by Aldicarb 一种简便快速检测涕灭威对DNA损伤的方法
Characterization of Field Soil Ecosystem Polluted by Aldicarb 涕灭威污染体系研究现场土壤生态系统表征
In every case, a fraction of aldicarb was adsorbed irreversibly and over 70% of the adsorbed mass resided in the irreversibly sorbed compartment in the situation of low initial concentration. But in higher initial concentration the irreversibly sorbed compartment could be filled in one sorption step. 在较低浓度下,每次吸附约有超过70%的农药进入不可逆吸附室,但在较大浓度下,不可逆吸附室可在一步吸附过程中达饱和。
The Research of Aldicarb and It's Toxic Metabolites on DNA Potential Harm 涕灭威及其有毒代谢产物对DNA潜在损伤研究
Studies on the Residues of Aldicarb in Tobacco and the Soil 涕灭威在烟草及土壤中残留动态研究
Study on Treading Soil with Aldicarb to Control Cotton Aphid 棉花蕾期穴施涕灭威防治棉蚜伏蚜的研究
Sorption Behavior of Aldicarb on Suspended Particulate Matter in Water 涕灭威在水体悬浮颗粒物上的吸附行为
Translocation and distribution of aldicarb in plants and soils 涕灭威在植物和土壤中的移动与分布
Impact of aldicarb and its complex pollution on DNA of zebrafish embryo 涕灭威及其复合污染对斑马鱼胚胎DNA的影响
Finally, we attempted to identify one Drosophila melanogaster AChE displaying more sensitive to aldicarb detection via screening a library of genetically engineering mutant emzymes. 最后从基因工程酶蛋白文库中筛选出对涕灭威检测具有较高敏感度的AChE。
Effect of Aldicarb on Water Quality in Yunnan Tobacco Area 涕灭威对云南植烟区水质的影响
DNA Damage of Ditylenchus Dipsaci Caused by Aldicarb and SDBS Complex Pollution System 涕灭威-十二烷基苯磺酸钠复合污染体系对茎线虫DNA的损伤与修复
The result of experiment conducted in the field indicated that furrow application of aldicarb or carbofuran at the same time of sowing could express a satisfying effect. 田间药剂防治试验结果表明,小麦播种时沟施涕灭威或呋喃丹对该病有较好的防治效果。
Determination of Oxamyl and Aldicarb in Fruits and Vegetables by HPLC-MS/ MS HPLC-MS/MS法快速测定果蔬中的杀线威和涕灭威残留
Inhibiting effect of three pesticides ( furadan, aldicarb, bifenthrin) on soil phosphatase activity was studied. 研究了呋喃丹、铁灭克、天王星3种农药对土壤磷酸酶活性的抑制作用。