Your experience of speculation makes you have aleatory thought. 你投机成功的经验,让你经常存有侥幸的心理。
The uncertainty nature of aleatory contract determines that the principle of utmost good faith should be applied. 射聿合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循最大诚信原则。
The general standards to judge the legitimation of aleatory contract are as follows: if the contract damages the interests of one party, interests of others, or public interests; 判断射幸合同合法性的一般标准是:射幸合同是否严重损害当事人一方利益、他人利益或社会公共利益;
As the aleatory risk is created and allocated by aleatory contract, it triggers some social problems that need to be regulated by legislation. 射幸合同创设并在当事人间分配射幸性风险时,引发了一些社会问题,需要立法予以规制。
This article analyses the cause of morale hazard in insurance activities, it points out that information game playing, aleatory, lack of traditional values and the deputy system are the causes and enlargement of Chinese insurance market's morale hazard. 分析保险活动中道德风险成因的基础,指出信息博弈、幸性与传统价值观念的迷失以及代理制度固有的缺陷等是我国保险市场道德风险的产生及扩大化的原因所在。
Although both insurance and gambling are aleatory conducts, their functions and efforts are totally different. 保险与赌博虽同属射幸行为,但却扮演着完全不同的角色和作用。
It deems the credit derivative is one of the aleatory contracts, but it differs with the insurance, gambling and other aleatory activities. 分析认为信用衍生产品属于射幸契约的一种,但是又与保险、赌博等活动有所区别。
In engineering practice, both aleatory uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty often exist. 在实际工程情况中,往往同时存在随机和认知不确定性。
However, existing methods of MDO under uncertainty generally consider only the aleatory uncertainty, methods considering the epistemic uncertainty are quite rare. 目前在考虑不确定性的多学科设计优化领域,已有的方法大都是针对随机不确定性,考虑认知不确定的多学科设计优化方法非常少见。
Because both epistemic uncertainty and aleatory uncertainty exist, interval variables and random variables are adopted in proposed method to quantify the uncertainties. ( 3) A design optimization formulation for the speed increaser is developed. 针对同时存在的认知不确定性和客观不确定性,本文提出了一种同时含区间变量和随机变量不确定性的定量分析方法,并运用到风电增速器优化设计中。
Therefore, this paper carries out the following researches: ( 1) Based on the probability theory and possibility theory, a single-disciplinary design optimization model is proposed which considers both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. 因此,本文开展了以下几个方面的研究:(1)基于概率论和可能性理论,建立了一种同时包含随机和认知不确定性的单学科设计优化数学模型。