He abbreviated his first name to Alec. 他将自己的名字缩写为亚历克。
Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour. 亚历克因为行为恶劣被遣回了家,一下子名声扫地。
Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge 据我所知亚历克从来不带枪。
You'll end up no more than a smart alec and you're well down that road already. 你最终只会变得自命不凡,而且你现在已经很有些自以为是了。
And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white. 朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。
Celebrity endorsements are commonplace, from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon "brand ambassador" Halle Berry. 第一资本金融公司(CapitalOne)的代言人是演艺明星亚历克斯•鲍德温,露华浓(Revlon)的“品牌大使”则是哈莉•贝瑞。
Personally Joan had no liking for Alec. 琼本人对他没有好感。
She begged him to slow the animal to a walk, which Alec accordingly did. 她请他让马慢下来,改跑为走,亚历克照着办了。
The couple attended the 2011 Emmys together, and were also guests at the wedding of Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas last year. 这对夫妻一同出席了2011年艾美奖,也出席了去年AlecBaldwin和HilariaThomas的婚礼。
Alec sighed heavily, as if this scene were depressing him. 亚历克沉重地叹了口气,好像这一席话令他很沮丧。
'What is your name?' asked Alec. 你叫什么名字?亚历克问道。
'Then goodbye!' and Alec jumped up into his carriage and drove off. 那么,再见!亚历克跳上马车,驾车走了。
In his book, Alec suggests that men find a cool role model to base their behaviour on. 在书中,亚历克建议男性要为自己选择一个言谈举止的好榜样。
Although you have survived this ordeal safe and sound, the plan of Alec is still very useful. 尽管你毫发未损地过了这一关,艾瑞克的计划仍然非常有用。
That night the house detective raided Alec's hotel room. 当夜,侦探搜查了亚历克在旅馆的房间。
Alec: No, I go in the opposite direction. 阿勒克:不,我去相反的方向。
Sorry, I miss the time that Alec breaks his record. 抱歉!我又错过有朋破纪录的时间了。
Alec is a lot better at sport than I am. 亚历克在体育方面比我好得多。
Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim basinger. 哦对了,还有亚历克。鲍德温和金。贝辛格。
Alec: Is that the corn dolly there? 亚历克:那边放的是谷物娃娃吗?
I am busy these days, so I haven't been Alec's blog for a long time. 这一阵子好忙,因此有一段时间未上有朋的部落格。
Alec Ross says one project involves a so-called panic button. AlecRoss称,其中一个项目叫做“恐慌按钮”。
Alec thinks he would be better off if he moved to another company. 亚历克以为要是他转到另一家公司的话,他会更富裕。
Alec was knocked down by a bus yesterday. 亚历克昨天被公共汽车撞倒了。
How did they know that there would be enough to indict both you and alec? 他们怎么会有足够的证据指控你和alec?
Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin will share hostingduties. 《我为喜剧狂》男主角亚历克·鲍德温和著名演员史蒂夫·马丁将共同登台主持。
Alec must have drunk an awful lot. He is lying on his bed, dead to the world. 亚历克一定是太贪杯了,他现在躺在床上睡得像死人一样。
Alec know that she was promiscuous and superficial. 亚历克知道她是乱七八糟和浅薄的。
The problem came to the surface in an exchange between Sir Alec Douglas-Home and me. 亚历克?道格拉斯-霍姆爵士同我交谈时暴露了这个问题。
Alec had to hurry home, but I stayed on. 亚历克不得不赶紧回家,而我则继续留下。