You can then create business items, which contain aliases. 然后可以创建包含别名的业务项。
Map these aliases into an actual instance and its associated IP address using the hosts file. 使用hosts文件把这些别名映射到一个实际实例和相关联的IP地址。
You can perform the same system checks here to verify which aliases to enable. 您可以在这些脚本中执行同样的系统检查,以验证要启用哪些别名。
Aliases and converters enable you to have complete control over the XML that is generated. 别名和转换程序可以让您完全控制生成的XML。
In SQuirreL, you define "aliases" for each database you want to interact with. 在SQuirreL中,您要为每个需要进行交互的数据库定义“别名”。
Aliases are optional, and they let you supply your own names for resources associated with the environment profile. 别名是可选的,它们让您能够为与环境概要文件相关联的资源提供自己的名称。
You can create short aliases to stand in for lengthy commands. 您可以创建简短的别名以代替冗长的命令。
Tcsh provides a gamut of shell variables and aliases, in addition to supporting those that csh supplies. 除了支持csh提供的shell变量之外,tcsh还提供了大量shell变量和别名。
Luckily, ssh supports public or private key authentication and system aliases. 幸运的是,ssh支持公钥或私钥身份验证和系统别名。
Aliases used for network application access should only point to host names specifically implemented as service names for applications. 访问网络应用程序所用的别名应该指向作为应用程序的服务名实现的主机名。
As with aliases, the best place to specify shell functions is within the initialization script for your shell. 与别名一样,指定外壳函数的最佳位置是在外壳的初始化脚本中。
Notice that for both the cloud group and the IP group, we provided aliases. 注意,对于云组和IP组,我们都提供了别名。
Name your bus and specify the authentication aliases for secure connectivity. 命名总线,并为安全连接指定身份验证别名。
This file comprises of two entries, which are aliases and the user specifications in Extended Backus-Naur form. 该文件由两个条目组成,分别是别名和ExtendedBackus-Naur格式的用户规范。
The basic topology is built from advertising various objects, such as queues and aliases, to the cluster. 基本拓扑是通过向集群广告各个对象而构建的,例如队列和别名。
Stylistically, you should be careful not to create aliases for existing types. 在文体上,应注意不要为现有类型创建别名。
Here, you can provide additional host information, local name aliases, and hard-code IP addresses. 在这里,可以提供更多主机信息、本地名称别名和硬编码的IP地址。
Aliases are shortcuts that you create. 别名是您所创建的快捷方法。
This forces the Sendmail daemon to re-read the aliases file. 这迫使Sendmail守护进程重新读取别名文件。
You can use this mode to validate the format of user IDs, aliases, or mailing lists. 可以使用这个模式检查用户ID、别名或邮件列表的格式。
Map all J2C authentication aliases to existing users in the LDAP registry. 在LDAP注册中心中,将所有J2C身份验证别名映射到现有用户。
You can use this with aliases without affecting your ability to specify additional options. 您可以结合别名使用那些选项,而不会影响您指定附加选项的能力。
This requires enabling application security and creating J2C authentication aliases and so on. 这要求启用应用程序安全性和创建J2C身份验证别名等。
Column names and aliases can be qualified by the table or view name. 列名和别名可由表名或视图名加以限定。
You cannot use import aliases in the debugger windows. 不能在调试器窗口中使用导入别名。
Is he known by any other aliases? 他有用过其他化名我们知道的吗?
Table aliases are not accepted in the set clause of an update statement. 在update语句的set子句中,不接受表的别名。
Server aliases will be compared with multidrop addresses by IP address. 服务器假名将通过IP地址与多分支地址比较。
It lets you create shortcut commands and aliases to 它使您可以创建快捷方式命令和化名
An object can have as many names or aliases as you would like to give it. 一件事物可以有许多你喜欢的名字或者别名。