The line of fire of an aimed weapon. The sight is aliened with the barrel. 准星瞄准武器的开火线准星与枪筒成一直线。
The sight is aliened with the barrel. 准星与枪筒成一直线。
The sight is aliened with the barrel. I found the gun aiming straight at me. 准星与枪筒成一直线。我发觉枪口直指着我。
The personalized capital and the aliened capital is the basic contents of capitalism employment ethics. 人格化的资本和被异化的劳动,是资本主义雇佣伦理关系的基本内容。
According to this correspondence, young Luc á cs classified in modern novels the different morphologic categories forming a diachronic morphology, in which Luc á cs viewed the novel as the literary form of aliened subjectivity in capitalism. 根据这种对应关系,卢卡奇进一步在现代小说中划分了历时态的小说形态范畴,将小说视为资本主义世界异化了的主体性的文学表现。