Allan Little from Radio 4 took the coveted title of reporter of the year. 第四广播台的艾伦·利特尔获得了人人梦寐以求的年度记者称号。
As the foreman of the jury announced the verdict, Miss Allan remained impassive. 陪审团主席宣布裁决时,艾伦小姐一直面无表情。
Allan gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune newspaper last month 艾伦上个月接受了《芝加哥论坛报》的采访。
Caution has been one of Mr Allan's watchwords “小心谨慎”是艾伦先生的座右铭。
Robert Mundell and Allan Meltzer rank among the most influential economists of the past half-century. 罗伯特•蒙代尔和艾伦•梅尔策都是半个世纪以来最具影响力的经济学家。
My little son Allan is 8 years old. 我的小儿子艾伦8岁。
Said Allan, then he showed his left hand to her. 艾伦说,然后他给他的左手她。
Allan had no time to wash his hands and ran into his classroom. 艾伦没有时间洗他的手,跑进了教室。
Miss King, his English teacher, told Allan to write some new words. 金小姐,他的英语老师,告诉艾伦写一些新单词。
Allan: But I gotta tell you I'm a little relieved. 但我必须告诉你我终于松了口气。
I have a date with Mr. Allan for Wednesday. 我周三跟艾伦先生有个约会。
Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley said that when we dream, the brain stem produces signals used for movement. 阿伦·布森和罗伯特·卡利说,在我们做梦的时候,脑干产生了运动的信号。
Then I read Allan Leighton's advice to businesses for the new year. 接着,我阅读了雷顿对各家企业的新年建言。
I'm renting it out to allan. 我正准备把它租给艾伦。
Allan Friedman calls this an important start to strengthening privacy laws. 弗里德曼称这是加强隐私法的一个重要开端。
I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe. 我不是缠磨着埃德加·爱伦·坡的那种幽灵。
Reading stories was one of the most important forms of enjoyment in Edgar Allan Poe's time. 在埃德加?爱伦?坡生活的那个时代,讲故事是一种最重要的娱乐形式。
They were sick of Allan's cut-and-dried answers. 他们对艾伦老套的答复感到厌烦。
Allan Friedman is the research director for technology and innovation at the Brookings Institution in Washington. 艾伦·弗里德曼(AllanFriedman)是华盛顿布鲁金斯学会的科技和创新研究中心主任。
Allan: Nope. I think Mother nature will be fine without my help. 对。我认为自然之母没有我的帮助照样能好好的。
Allan: So expensive! I can hardly believe my ears. 艾伦:这么贵!我几乎不敢相信我的耳朵。
Allan: Yes, I received it, I like e-card designed by you. 是的,我收到了,我喜欢你自己设计的贺卡。
May I introduce myself? My name is Allan Pope from APE Oil Company. 让我来介绍一下自己,我叫阿伦?波普,来自APE石油公司。
A: Allan? Is this the correct screen for setting margins and line lengths? 艾伦?这是设置边界和行宽的正确画面吗?
Allan: I have some questions about outdoor activities for you. 我想问你几个关于户外运动的问题。
Chapter Three analyzes the embodiment of the beauty of horror in the psychological horror stories of Edgar Allan Poe. 第三章分析的是恐怖美在爱伦·坡心理恐怖小说中的具体体现。
Allan Friedman says this raises additional concerns. 弗里德曼称,这引发了额外关注。
First name is James, and my middle name is Allan. 的名字是詹姆斯,我的中间名是艾伦。
But more important, I really do believe Allan. 但更重要的是,我确实相信艾伦的话。
I was furious with Edgar Allan Poe for writing so accurately about this. 爱德加·爱伦·坡把这个问题写得如此深切细微,我真对他大发雷霆了。