Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita. 每个俄罗斯人都知道这本寓言式小说,《大师和玛格丽特》。
A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical. 以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。
It is a vast allegorical myth structure in a literary form all its own. 这是一个庞大的神话,寓言文学的形式结构,自己的所有。
The article selects the representative two-part allegorical sayings amounting to72 pieces from "two-part allegorical saying of Xinzhou", publishing it out in order to consult with the experts. 文章选摘了《忻州歇后语词典》中有代表性的方言歇后语共72条,刊登出来以就教于方言学家。
Any one who has a cursory knowledge of literary language can see the difference between literal usage and figurative ( or allegorical) one. 任何一个有点文学基础知识的人都能读出字面意思和所比喻(或者寓言)的不同意思。
Persian poet and mystic whose masterpiece, conference of the birds, is an allegorical survey of sufism. 阿特波斯诗人及神秘家,其代表作百鸟会议是一篇苏菲派的寓言式调查。
Melancholy and Incompleteness: The Allegorical Consciousness in the Post-70s Art 忧郁与残缺:70后艺术中的寓言意识
A prophecy ( usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible. 男、女祭司揭示的预言(通常是隐晦的或寓言性的);被人们认为是可靠的。
Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Saying is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence. 歇后语是熟语的一种,是广泛流行的、诙谐而形象的语句。
Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them. 请以徐克两部电影,来说明他的个人风格以及所蕴含的寓意。
Compared with the traditional allegorical sayings, the allegorical sayings on campus have many new characteristics. 较之传统歇后语,它在主体结构方面有诸多新的特征。
They claimed that this was just an allegorical story. 他们说,这只不过是一个寓言故事罢了。
His exegesis is of the allegorical type. 他的注释是寓言的类型。
Philo, as a Christian theologian, reconciles the literal meaning of texts with the real personal and social life through an allegorical interpretation of the "old testament" instead of explaining its narration literally. 摘要作为基督教神学家的斐洛,对《旧约》圣经从叙事的说明转向隐喻的诠释,从而实现了文本字面意义和现实的个人与社会生活的调解。
Figure ( symbolic or allegorical), of base metal, for indoor use ( excl. original sculptures and statuary) 塑像(象征性或比喻性的),贱金属制,户内用(不包括雕塑和塑像原件)
The two most important were the ones that I've already talked about basically as the literal sense and the other one is the allegorical sense. 最重要的两个,一个是我已经讲过的字面意思,另一个是寓意。
His Collected Short stories, novels, poems, allegorical stories and other writings form a legacy of literature which casts profound illumination on the special culture of the south, a culture which developed from a history and social circumstances that were often tumultuous and always unique. 他的编成全集的短篇小说、长篇小说、诗歌、寓言故事以及其它作品成为深刻启示美国南部特殊文化的一笔遗产,这种文化是在经常动乱却又总是十分独特的历史和社会环境中形成的。
Maimonides God takes no literal shits, only allegorical ones. 上帝并非字面上的大便,而只是比喻上的大便。
Based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, this paper analyzes paronomasia allegorical saying from the perspective of phonetic metaphor to find a new understanding mechanism for it. 从认知语言学语音隐喻的角度对歇后语中的谐音双关歇后语进行分析,可以找到理解谐音双关歇后语的新的理解机制。
A medieval book ( usually illustrated) with allegorical and amusing descriptions of real and fabled animals. 中世纪一本讽喻、幽默地描述真的或虚构的动物的书(通常有插图)。
The medieval notion that there are four senses of the text, literal is always one, allegorical is always one, and what counts as the other two varies among different authors. 中世纪的观点认为有四种经文的意思,字面意思一直是一个,寓意一直是一个,另外两个是什么,不同作者有不同的看法。
The paper collectves and analyses the dialect characteristics of LiangShan two-part allegorical saying, and it gives the classification list. 本文收集和分析凉山歇后语的方言特点,并且分类列出。
A dramatic entertainment, usually performed by masked players representing mythological or allegorical figures, that was popular in England in the16th and early17th centuries. 假面剧一种戏剧性娱乐,由代表神话或寓言中人物的佩戴面具者表演,该娱乐形式在16世纪和17世纪早期的英国很流行。
One type is the allegorical map. 其中一种叫寓言地图。
The translation of metaphor should follow the principle of cultural compatibility, taking metaphor as a sign of cultural transmission is to reinterpret the allegorical origin of the text culturally. 隐喻的翻译,应该遵循文化适应性原则,将隐喻作为一个传递的文化符号,是从文化上对原文喻源进行重新诠释的意义表达方式。
C-E Translation of Two-Part Allegorical Sayings with the Enlightenment of Relevance Translation Theory 关联翻译理论对汉语歇后语英译的启示
And so God separates out, on day three, good humanity from bad humanity, by Augustine's allegorical interpretation. 所以上帝在第三日分出了,好的人性和坏的人性,这是奥古斯汀的寓言式解读。
It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture. 可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。
This is of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. 这是最棒的讽喻小说之一,阐释了19世纪俄国社会的阶级对立。