To allegorize with Origen may make men stare at you, but your work is to fill men's mouths with truth, not to open them with wonder. 巧妙解释初代教父俄利根的神学会让人对你瞠目结舌,但你的工作是要以真理喂饱他们的嘴,而不是要他们惊奇的张大嘴巴。
Origen comes along and says, no you can't allegorize this text, and it means exactly what it says. 奥利金出来说,不,你们不能将经文寓言化,它说了什么就是什么意思。
Apart from the powerful channels, the media to link the historical and modern features of Yihetuan incident are approaches to allegorize history and to metaphorize stories. 沟通义和团事件历史性和现代性的媒介除却西方强势话语权力以外,还有将历史寓言化与故事隐喻化的途径。