It seems to me that in prose alliteration should be used only for a special reason. 依我看,在散文里,头韵只能在一定的场合使用。
Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration. 我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美的效果。
Exploring the Mnemonic Effects of Alliteration on the Retention of the Meaning of English Idioms 探索头韵对英语习语意义记忆的影响
With the application of pun, alliteration, hyperbole, or parallelism and focus on the different writing styles, advertisement has great attraction, thus stimulating the purchase desire of consumers. 成功的广告用语因其运用了双关词、头韵、夸张、排比等修辞手段,并注重广告用语的文体特色,从而使广告具有巨大的吸引力,产生激发消费者购买欲的作用。
The author analyzes several basic forms of alliteration and assonance in Du fu's poems and points out that due to his excellent mastery of alliteration and assonance, Du fu's poems are more harmonious and musical in artistic effect. 文章分析杜诗双声叠韵构成的几种类型,指出双声叠韵的频繁使用显示了诗人驾驭语言的卓越能力,同时使其诗产生一种铿锵和谐、声情并茂的艺术效果。
The stylistic devices frequently appearing in advertisements are pun, parody, hyperbole, alliteration, personification, simile, metaphor, repetition and antithesis, etc. 常用于英语广告中的修辞格有:双关、仿似、夸张、押韵、拟人、比喻、重复和对照。
You have a true gift for inner rhyme and alliteration. 你有高明的押内韵及头韵的本事。
One important method is the employing of rhetoric, including repetition, parallelism, pun, figure of speech as wells rhythm which includes alliteration and rhyme. 广告英语正是通过使用各种语言技巧实现其劝说功能的。
Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words. 头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。
Consonantal sounds; a consonantal Hebrew text; consonantal alliteration; a consonantal cluster. 辅音;有辅音的希伯来语课文;辅音头韵;辅音串。
Du Fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets. 杜甫最善于使用双声叠韵,其数量之多,结撰之精妙,是其他诗人不及的。
Alliteration, assonance and consonance are three main rhetorical devices, and literal translation, interpretation and naturalization are the main translation approach. 头韵、元音韵和辅音韵是三种最基本的押韵修辞格。
His prose was full of alliteration. 他写的散文里满是头韵。
The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration. 最醒目的特征以它的诗形式是头韵的使用。
An affectedly elegant literary style of the late16th and early17th centuries, characterized by elaborate alliteration, antitheses, and similes. 一种流行于16世纪末17世纪初的装腔作势追求高雅的文体,以头韵、对句和明喻为特点。
Finally, in spite of the accidental factors, an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance. 最后,除去偶然因素,上字与被切字双声叠韵也是一个重要原因。
Those rhetorical devices used in advertisements of enterprises such as trope or transferring meaning, personification, pun and allusion, repetition and parallelism, rhyme, especially alliteration and rhythm offer enjoyment in aesthetics. 企业广告中运用比喻、拟人、双关和成语典故、反复和平行结构、押韵和节奏等修辞手段,给人以美的享受。
A rhythmical prose employing the poetic devices of alliteration and assonance. 使用头韵和准押韵两种诗歌技巧的有节奏的散文。
Below the photo, it said," ride rough, ride real," a clever alliteration. 照片下有一行字:“骑山地才是真我体验。”很聪明的押头韵嘛。
A few other techniques you might find in a speechwriter's toolbox might be the use of imagery, anecdotes and alliteration. 其他一些可能会在一个撰稿人的工具箱中发现的,可能是可以使用图像,轶事和头韵。
When I left, he was teaching us about alliteration. 我走的时候,他正在教我们怎样押韵。
This paper deals with metaphor, personification, euphemism, analogy, repetition, alliteration, rhyme and pun in advertising English so as to help understand, appreciate and create English advertisements. 文章探讨了广告英语中的比喻、拟人、委婉语、类比、反复、头韵、押韵和双关八种主要的修辞格,以有助于对英语广告的理解、欣赏和写作。
English alliteration is a phonetic rhetorical device, widely used but often over looked by Chinese students. 英语头韵是被广泛应用的一种语音修辞手段,但常常被中国学生所忽略。
After introducing features of English news titles, this essay stresses the combination of news titles with rhetorics, such as alliteration, hyperbole and pun, and their translation methods. 本文介绍了英语新闻标题的特点并重点讨论了英语新闻标题与头韵、元韵、夸张、双关等修辞现象的结合及其翻译方法。
Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon, but also an artistic one in poems. 诗歌中的双声叠韵既是语言现象,又是艺术现象。
An Analysis of the Recognition of English Alliteration And Its Pragmatic Construction 英语头韵的认知和语用建构分析
English Alliteration and Sound Symbolism 英语头韵与声音象征
In addition, by the use of onomatopoeia, alliteration and perfect rhyme, the language in this book has strong sound effect and produces the beauty of musicality. 另外,通过使用拟声词,头韵和尾韵,作品语言有很强的音响效果,产生了音乐美。
As a phonological rhetorical device, alliteration is widely used in English texts. 头韵是英语中一种常见的语音修辞格,在各种文体中被广泛应用。
Allan Poe uses a wide range of figures of speech in this short story, such as metonymy, oxymoron, hyperbole, etc., among which, alliteration and symbolism are of distinctive stylistic features. 爱伦·坡在小说中使用了大量地修辞手段,如借代,矛盾修辞,夸张等等。其中头韵和象征的使用具有显著的文体特征。