This option prevents the display of the Lotus Notes navigator panel for the component and allots the entire component display area to the Lotus Notes view pane. 该选项防止显示LotusNotesnavigator面板,将全部组件显示区域留给LotusNotesviev面板。
If the COE decides that the service is high-priority, based on the domain ownership the service belongs to, then the domain owner allots the funding. 如果COE基于服务所属领域的所有权决定该服务具有高优先级,则领域所有者将分配资金。
He allots the imposts, taxes each person conscientiously, judges quarrels for nothing, divides inheritances without charge, pronounces sentences gratuitously; 他分配捐税,凭良心向各人抽捐,义务地排解纠纷,替人分配遗产,不取酬金,判处案情,不收讼费;
The third one's allots in middle north Pacific. 第三特征向量的高值位于中部北太平洋。
Analysis of the Issuance Way of New Stocks in Second Market Allots and Sales 浅析二级市场配售新股发行方式
The interest's shares in public company is the deed which allots the enterprise earnings between the company and the shareholder, it is one of the main finance activities of company. 股利分配是上市公司将企业盈利在留存收益与支付股利之间进行分配的行为,它是公司主要财务活动之一。
China tests the issuance way of new stocks that it allots and sells to investors in second market so as to further perfect stocks issuance way. 为进一步完善股票发行方式,我国试行向二级市场投资者配售新股,首次实现了一、二级市场联动发行,是向一、二级市场最终并轨迈出的重要一步。
The model properly allots the proportion between debt and equity, effectively demonstrates the choice of venture capitalists in determination of exit time and exit manner, and can be the operation gist for venture capitalists to make exit decision. 该模型合理分配了股权投资和债权投资比例,有效解释了风险投资投资退出时机和退出方式的选择,可以作为风险投资公司进行投资退出决策的依据。
This scheme operates at each hop and fairly allots each competing flow a share of channel time, according to which each hop and records their updated rate for each flow traversing the hop and records their updated rates into each data packet's special control header. 这种机制在每跳执行,并且公平地分配给每个竞争的数据流一定信道时间比例,对于每条经过的流记录下它相应的速率并保存在每跳里和数据包特定的控制字节中。
Just like real economy, capital market allots resource by price mechanism. 如同实体经济一样,资本市场的资源配置功能也主要是通过价格来实现的。