His new play, Arcadia, is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written. 他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。
This kind of writing, with its brilliantly allusive language, poses an uncommon challenge to the translator. 这种巧于用典的文笔对翻译者来说是个不寻常的挑战。
Allusive speech is characterized by allusions. 影射性的讲话是以暗示为特点的。
His style is sophisticated and allusive. 他的创作风格是细致并长于用典。
Literature tends to be very allusive, with Greek and Roman mythology, the Bible and Shakespeare being echoed over and over again. 文学趋于引经据典,希腊和罗马神话、圣经与莎士比亚的作品都在被一遍又一遍地引用着。
I can therefore confirm that president Berlusconi used some jokes and allusive words, but always referred to himself. 主席讲了几个笑话和暗语,但我可以肯定地说,这些都是说得他自己。
Her music is witty, ironic and allusive. 她的音乐诙谐讥讽,并充满了暗示。
Her allusive style is difficult to follow. 她引经据典的风格晦涩难懂。
Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy. 阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。
The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men. 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。
Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习
Translation of allusive idioms 浅议中外典故习语的翻译
Coallusion is to take a few affairs to expound a meaning, which is marked with on allusive expression; 合典是取合几件事来表达一个意义,其标志往往是构成一个典故词语;
Apart from being an essential factor in developing the plot, modern technology is also allusive in revealing the theme of the novel. 除了在发展甚至构成剧情中发挥重要作用外,现代科技在揭示小说主题方面也具有很强的隐喻作用。